birthday surprise (published after completing)

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William was never one for birthday celebrations. This is something I can recall from the time before we were married as well. And since Rose was born he's shown preference to celebrating it with her instead of going to dinners with officials.

On the morning of the tenth of September I wake up to find William missing from my side. I grudgingly force myself out of bed and into the washroom. I shower and then get changed into a pair of white pants and a navy blue top. On my way down to the dining room I run into Anna.

"Good morning, Cassy!" She calls out when she sees me.

"Morning. How are you?" I ask.

"Good. Just checking on work. Oh! By the way, I asked Helen for the day off and she said she'll look after the work for today." She tells me.

"That's fine. Plans with Harrison?" I ask, an eyebrow raised.

She sighs and nods, her face showing how much she's in love with him. "Harrison has the day off too so we thought we'd make the most of it."

I laugh at the excitement in her voice. "Have fun!"

I start to walk away when she calls after me. "Tell Rose and William, I said happy birthday!"

"Will do!" I call back.

I go down to the dining room where Helen is waiting for me as usual but Harrison is missing since he has the day off but William's not there either.

"Hey! Where's William?" I ask.

"He's in his study." She replies, standing up, waiting for me to take my seat.

"Is there anything important for this morning?" I ask, beckoning towards the laptop which stores all of Helen's notes and plans for the day.

She smiles at me. "Nothing that can't wait."

"Great! Can you have someone bring my breakfast to William's study?"

"Of course." She nods.

As I make my way to the study, I can't help but feel a little giddy. When I reach the door I can hear the sound of television through it. I walk in without knocking. William is on one of the couches that form a little sitting area in the middle of the room with his back to me. The television shows the CNN broadcast for his birthday.

I walk up to him and tap his shoulder. "Happy birthday."

He jumps a little before he turns to face me, a smile on his face. "Thank you."

"How's the world celebrating?" I ask, sitting on his lap.

"Half the channels are broadcasting social media birthday messages, the rest are comparing me to dad." All of a sudden I understand why he would have wanted to be alone for a while.

I stay quiet for a moment, letting the moment pass then lean forward and take the remote to turn off the television.

"I need to know what they have to say." William stops me.

I take his face in my hands and look him in the eye. "No, you don't. We both know exactly how amazing you are as a ruler and no human can ever be perfect. So let them debate out your character because I'm pretty sure the millions of people sending you birthday messages through social media love you. Why else would they even care?"

He sighs at looks at me before taking the remote from me and switching off the television.

I smile at him and lean down to give him a kiss. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other hand wanders into my hair, holding me close to him.

"Rose is going to barge in any minute." I remind him.

He sighs. "How can I ever get enough of you?"

I feel my face warm as my heartbeat accelerates. I get off his lap to stand up, pulling him up with me.

"I need to give you your gift before Rose finds us." I tell him.

"You didn't have to get me anything. I have you." He says, cupping my face with one hand and stroking my cheek.

Unable to keep it to myself anymore, I just say it. "I'm pregnant."

A stunned silence follows. "William?"

"Did you say...?" He starts and I answer. "Yes."

"Oh my gosh." He breathes, finally looking at me before a smile spreads across his face. "OH MY GOSH!"

I squeal as he pulls me into a hug, sweeping my feet off the ground. I smile into his shoulder, happy for both of us.

"Is this for real?" He asks, looking at me.

"It's real." I smile back at him. "Should we tell Rose?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, she's only a child after all and she might let it slip to someone before we make the official announcement."

I nod in agreement. "Okay, it's our secret then."

"Which I love you for." William adds, kissing me.

The day's over but I had this chapter written down, so I had to post it! I hope you all liked this little "birthday surprise" ;) Cassy and Will are going to be parents a second time and Rose is going to be a big sister! I'M SO EXCITED FOR THEM!

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Lots of love,


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