awake and talking (33)

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I sit staring at William's face. I've been sitting here the whole night, thinking how I could've been so foolish to fall into Molly's trap.

I'm looking down at my hands when I hear the rustling of sheets, followed by a groan. I look up to find William with his eyes squeezed shut. As if sensing me looking at him he says in a whisper.

"It hurts more than I remember it hurting." Now he opens his eyes and looks at me. "How bad is it?"

I sigh. "You broke your arm." I motion towards his arm which is bound in a cast and then continue. "You also got several deep bruises on your chest because of the seatbelt."

We look at each other for a moment before I drop my gaze and say. "I'm really sorry for blaming you for such a thing and putting you in the hospital ."

I feel his hand cover mine on the bed, making me look up at him when he says.

"You really don't have anything to apologise for. The blaming part maybe but not me being here. I'm the reason why I'm here, not you."

I feel tears in my eyes and reach up to wipe them away but his hand is quicker. Without a second thought I lean forward and press my lips to his. A knock on the door forces us to break apart. The door opens and Dr. Harrison enters.

"Good morning, sir! I'm really glad that you're finally awake." With this he walks over to the other side of the bed and examines the tubes and machines for a few minutes before leaving.

We both stay quite for a minute before he says. "I'm going to find out who sent that text and kill that person."

I look up at him in surprise and blurt out. "But I already know who sent it."

"You do?" He asks, shocked. " Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't know who it was either till last night." After a pause I continue. "I got another message which told me who it was."

"Well, who is it?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

I take a deep breath before replying. "Molly."

He stares at me for a minute before looking up at the ceiling and swearing. I let him absorb what I said before saying.

"But there are so many questions that need to be answered."

"Like what?" He looks at me.

"I mistook you for that person because of the sweater that he was wearing. How did she know what you were wearing?" I ask him.

He thinks for a moment before replying. "Probably because she saw me."

"You mean you met her?" I ask, shocked. "When?"

With this he launches into the story of how his aunt came to his office yesterday afternoon. He was in the cafeteria when he called me to remind me of the appointment. That was where saw her standing some distance away from him but clearly close enough to hear what he had been saying. When he had confronted her she said that she was here to see his father. But William had never got a chance to ask if that was true.

After hearing this I say. "So, she knew what you were wearing and that I would be coming to the hospital with you. Thus, providing her the perfect setting for a quarrel between us."

William sighs and leans back against the pillows behind his head. "Yeah. And she was successful."

"But I don't think she meant to put you in the hospital. She must've just wanted to separate us." I tell him.

"Which I won't ever let her." He gently strokes my hand as he deals with the pain with his eyes closed.

"Who do you think was that man in the video?" I ask him.

Still, with his eyes closed, he just shrug slightly. "Any random guy who wanted the money that she offered."

I nod my head. "That makes sense to me."

After a moment of silence he opens his eyes and looks at me. "Should I tell my father?"

"I really don't know." I tell him.

"It's just so confusing. I wish mom was here to help sort this out." He says to no one in particular.

I think for a moment when a memory comes rushing back to me, making me ask.

"Do you remember where we went the night before our wedding?"

He nods. "We went to visit our parents's graves."

I smile at him. "And you said something."

"I said so much that night. Which part exactly?" This makes me laugh a little.

"You said that you visited your mother every time you needed advice about something. Why don't you go visit her after you get out of the hospital? She did come visit..." I clamp a hand on my mouth.

"She what?" He asks, shocked.

I take a deep breath and explain my dream to him. I tell him about how his my mother visited me while I was asleep and warned me about this accident.

When I finish, I add. "If it hadn't been for her I wouldn't have taken you leaving seriously. The moment you left I knew something bad was going to happen."

He sighs. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

I shake my head. "Because I wasn't sure myself if it was a dream or just something I made up. I didn't get a chance to tell you it was real since you've been unconscious this whole time."

He nods. "You're right."

I feel two tiny pair of feet kicking me. "I'm going to go get something to eat, our babies are hungry."

This makes him smiles and say. "Don't let them starve."

I smile too. "I won't." I get up and then bend down to give him a quick kiss before saying. "Get some rest."

When I close the door, I'm just really glad that we've cleared things up.

Thank you so much for all the comments on the previous chapter. I also hope that this chapter helped clear up any confusions. If there are any more questions then you can always ask :)

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