worrying about him (30)

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With his back to me is a man wearing a sweater I picked out this morning, William!!


Unable to watch the video any further I pause it and throw the phone onto the table, as far away from me as possible. I wrap my arms around myself and try to keep myself from crying.

But after a few minutes the tears leak out and silently I sob into my hand.

"Ready to go?" A voice asks from the doorway.

I look up at William. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Cassy, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Paperwork? Really? I'd have been happier if you'd just told me that I wasn't good enough for you!" I scream.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" He asks, seeming shocked.

I stand up from my chair. "Don't act all innocent! You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No I don't. But I would appreciate an explanation about what the fuck you're accusing me of!" He shouts back making me whimper.

Turning away I snatch up the phone from the table and play the video from where I paused it before thrusting the phone into his hand.

He frowns down at the screen and after some seconds looks up at me. "What does this prove?"

The question catches me off guard. "What does this prove?! It proves that you're cheating on me!"


The poor girl bringing in my sandwich at once turns around and leaves the room in a hurry, looking scared to death.

William shoves back the phone in my hands before storming out of the room.

I look down at the screen. The video ended so it's stopped at the last scene and it shows the man's face but the man I though to be William is not William!

It is someone wearing the same sweater as him but it's not William!

I start to freak out at once because I just accused William of something he never did. The accusation wasn't even something small. It was a major accusation and he seemed as if he'll never forgive me.

Terrified of what will happen next I slowly walk out of the dining room and to the reception where the door is being closed by a guard but someone shouts from the outside.

"Leave the door open!"

I turn to the guard next to the door. "Have you seen William?"

"Yes, your highness he just left." He replies.

"Left? What do you mean?" I ask, worried.

He opens his mouth to reply but quickly closes it and bows down in a curtesy. I look at the door to find the king walking in.

When he sees my tear stained face he walks over to me. "My dear, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Really." I reply rubbing my eyes to remove the redness that I know is there.

"Is it William? He just drove past me without an escort too!" He says making worry pang up inside me.

"Without an escort?" I gasp. I know that's so unlike him, he's always so careful about things like these.

"Did something happen between you two?" He asks.

I nod my head and Ronald pulls me into a hug. "William can be quite unthoughtful sometimes. How dare he treat his wife in such a manner that made you cry?"

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