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"I'm going to go get you something to eat." She tells me.

"I don't want to." I say like a little child.

"Look. I know you're worried and you should be since he's your husband. But all this worry isn't good for the babies. Besides starving yourself isn't going to do anything. So, I'm getting you something to eat."

Why does everyone keep telling me this?


Mom left about an hour ago, after making sure that I ate a sandwich. Ronald has been coming and going. William's operation isn't complete yet. Dr. Benjamin said that it'll take another half hour at the most.

"Cassandra." I look up to find Ronald walking towards where I'm sitting.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I need your opinion on something." He says.

"My opinion?" I question.

"Yeah. The press has caught on with what happened. We were quick about clearing the scene of the accident but apparently someone with a phone was quicker than us and posted some pictures on a blog. We're still tracing the person but our concern is that now people are asking questions."

"What do you need my opinion on?" I ask, confused.

He sighs. "I need you to tell me what William would want us to do. Would he want us to answer the questions or just ignore them."

"Why do you want to do what he wants? It's not like he's here." I tell him.

"I know. But this is his life. The incident is something that happened to him. And no matter how many things we disagree on. But I'm his father and I respect his opinion."

I groan still confused. "His opinion! Why do you need mine?"

"Because you're the person closest to him. And since you're his wife you should know what he would want." He explains.

Now, I understand. But this is the first time I'll have to make a decision on my own. Before this I always had Will to back me up but right now I'm on my own. I think it over for a moment and then reply.

"I think you should answer them since William is their prince and they deserve to know what happened as much as both of us do."

He smiles at me. "That's exactly what he would want."

With a little nod of his head he leaves me again but this time the moment he steps into the elevator, a door opens and a guard walks in.

"You highness, there's a doctor who would want to have a word with you."

I sigh knowing it's doctor Benjamin reporting about William. "Of course."

He leaves and a moment later the door opens again but the person who steps in isn't the doctor I'm expecting.

"Aunt Maria!" I exclaim.

"Cassandra! I just heard that you were here. I met your mother in the lobby but I had an appointment with a patient at that moment." She explains.

"Thank you for coming." I tell her.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were alright." She tells me, stroking my hair.

"I am. Thank you." I reply, smiling at her.

She sighs. "Life can be so cruel."

I nod. "Very."

After staying with me for a few more minutes and talking she stands up to leave.

"Is there anything you need?" She asks me.

The Royals and The BabyWhere stories live. Discover now