chapter 1

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Lilly's Pov..

I wake up and wonder, as Today is going to be as usual go to work and come back to my apartment but then i got a call from Marie saying that she wants "we" the girls to meet at the club downtown. So i quickly agreed as I'm bored anyway. We talk for at least half an hour about girly stuffs and i end the call to begin today's activities.
I quickly go and wash my face and my blonde hair, take a quick shower and wear my work clothes and make some breakfast for myself since i live alone far from my parents.
"Urgh how i miss Mom and Dad" i say and pick up my phone to call them as i began eating the call went through.
"Hello Mom" i say.
"Hello sweetie, so you decided to call home hu" Mom complains.
"Mom you know I've been busy nowadays ".
"Yeah ...yeah always say that, hope everything is okay."
"Of course just wanted to check up on you and Dad."
"Oh darling, I'm fine". I hear Dad say and i smile as i knew he'll never miss a chance to talk to me on the phone.
"Ok then i gotta go mom and Dad, bye i love youu!!"
"Byee darling" they say as i cut the call.
And now I'm done with my breakfast as i set off to work. As i arrived as usual the same annoying people Max and Maddie were joking while Lisa is making a red face at them. I shrug and try to walk secretly to my desk without them knowing that I'm in.

"Hey and where do u think you're going princess?" Max shout making everyone turn their attention to me. Urgh i roll my eyes at him.
"Max not today , i cant stand your drama". I say while talking to my desk and taking a seat. Lisa quick walk up to me. I'm kinda her sibling as her mom is my aunty. And we grew up together.
"Is everything ok"she asks.
"Yes why?"
"Well you look pale, whats up?"
"Just some period and stress" i say while shrugging my shoulder.
"Well Marie called me today and she said we should meet her at the same club" she says.
"I know Lisa, I'll be informing Rose and Rita" i say.
"Ok" then she also take her seat.

I quickly call the twins and tell them about the event tonight after that i continue to do my work and wait for whats to come tonight as we'll be enjoying. I think and then shake my head and smile.

By Lilyrizzy 😌.

Published on 23rd February 2024

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