chapter 4

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    *wezzzz brrzzz*
Lilly's Pov
As i open my eyes again, i see the bright blue sky that blinds my sight
And cover my eyes, i look around and i notice that im in a hut with the other four girls. I immediately wake everyone up starting from Rita as she seems to know more of the situation we're in, the last one to wake up was lisa as she looked very tired and haggard. I then start to tear up.
"What have we gotten our selfs into?"
I ask them.
"Does anyone know where we are?" No answer.
"I don't know but I'm sure we must get out of this place before those shape shifters come again" Rita says.
"How do you know that they are shape shifters?"i ask her and she seem to be hiding something.
"I just know okay" she says while avoiding my eyes.
"Come on Marie lets get out from here" i say.
just as we were about to get up,
we hear the door open and and elderly woman with ocean eyes stood there looking at us.
"Are you okay ladies?" She asks
No one answers as we try to think.
"Hmm long blonde hair, smooth white skin,tender face, brown eyes and a nice body" she says while in thought as i looked at her my eyes looked as if its going to pop out. She then looks at me and smiles.
" Arent you all hungry?" She questions and we nod.
" Come out and join us for the feast we prepared for you". She says.
"Feast y-you prepared f-for u-s?. I asked scared.
"Yes dear, now come out" she says while moving away from the door.
We all look at each other and and start heading out.
As we got out we saw the city in display  and we were in awe.
The city was beaming with light and there were people flying here and there. I looked up worried as i try to protect myself.
"Shape shifters keep calm" Rita says from behind.
As we follow the old woman, i noticed that the females here walk like men and they have small breast and ass as they are covered with bearly any clothes. They have these glowing eyes and tanned skin not as beautiful as the males here.
The males were more handsome than the females here. I watch them as they danced around and circle each other.
There i saw a small little guy staring at me. He kept staring until i was out of his sight. It made me conscious as i stare down at myself.
Torn clothes and bear feet not soo bad huh?.
Just then we reach the place with the old woman.
"Have a seat ladies." She says while sitting at the far end of the table.
"Blonde come and sit here ,the rest sit anywhere you would like" i walk near her and sit beside her on the other side of yhe table.
"You might ne wondering why you're here right" she says making me nod my head.
"My sons has chosen you gurls as their bride" she says happily.
We all exclaim seemly terrified.

By Lilyrizzy 😌

Published on 23rd February 2024

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