chapter 9

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Lilly's Pov...

I struggle to open my eyes as it feels as if I've been sleeping like forever.  I then hear some chanting from a distance. *Chanting*Wahandu kukku*
It gets louder and louder as i try to open my eyes but i fall into another slumber again.

Lisa's Pov....

        I feel soo bad for making Lilly pass through soo much pain as i watched the guards pick up Lilly, Rose and Rita's unconscious bodies.
And Marie supports me with her shoulder as i seem to have sprained my ankle again when trying to dodge.
As we got back to the village all the women circled us as they watched the unconscious bodies and gasp.
"This is a deadly scratch" i hear the woman whisper as she looks at the scratch on Rose's neck which was bleeding. Then i saw the queen mother and quickly run towards her whiles going on my knees and tearing up heavily.
"P-please save them." I plead as she watched me.
"I told you girls not to run" she speaks while looking angrily at Marie and I.
"We're sorry M-mother" i say as she immediately walk towards the three bodies.
"This is not good, send them to the witches room".i hear the queen mother say.
"And you two girls come with me , we need a serious talk " she says while puffing out air and walking towards her chambers.
"Let's go Marie, they're going to be fine" i try to assure her
"We shouldn't have arranged that puzzle" she says while tearing up then i sush her up.
"Keep quiet Marie before anyone hears you and take actions."
Soon we arrived at the queens chambers and enter.
"Do you know why i told my sons to marry you girls?"Thats the first thing she says when she saw us enter.
"No" i reply
"Thats because they're the only powerful people that can protect you " she says and i gasp.
"There's no way out of this place and you're not even the first people to pass through that portal" she says while looking at Marie.
"That portal you people passed through was a witch's portal " she says.
"B-but its for my grandma" Marie says.
"Your grandma is a witch thats why you could get acess to the box , Marie".she tells us making us gasp.
And then everything starts to be clear the reason why we're here is because of the portal we opened.
"Many people have passed through and ive not seen anyone going back" she says.
"Unless you have supernatural powers, which you don't". She adds.
"I hope Lilly, Rita and Rose will be okay?" i ask her.
"Sure but i cant promise when they'll wake up." She says worriedly.
And that day she told us everything we needed to know.
The dangers jt costs us when we try to run and the horrors of this village.
"Where are all the men in the village?" Marie asks.
"They went to hunt with the prince's." She informs us.
"And when will they return?"
"Soon but its not yet time" she replys
"Are you soo eager to meet your husbands" she says while smiling at us which we didn't answer.
"What are you?" I ask her
"Im the queen mother of this village and a witch, shape shifter, vampire and i have magic,
"Yo-you drink blood!?" Marie asks in horror.
"No i don't, i only eat meat or eat fruits when I'm hungry" she assures us. We kept on talking till night came and she escorted us to our chambers whuch we didn't complain. They gave us new set of thin clothes and food.
I stare at the big room and the cravings on the wall.
"Its soo nice" i mutter while looking around. I stare at the big bed infront which is to fit my supposed husband and i? I blush at the thought.
"Let's sleep and get energy" i say while laying on my bed and closing my eyes.

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published on 23rd February 2024

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