chapter 12.

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   Next day....

Lilly walks out of her chambers and is oblivious to where she's going.
"Lilly!" She hears Lisa's voice and turns around.
"W-what are you wearing" that's the first question Lilly asks.
"How are you doing" Lisa asks with a worried expression.
"I feel better now" she says to Lisa.
"This dress was given to me by the head escort." She says.
"Their clothes are too thin" Lilly says.
"But its nice anyway" Lisa says and turns showing her the back.
"Mmm" Lilly hums
"Where are the rest" she adds.
" They're all in the dinning room, i came to call you" she says.
"But wait and let me freshen up" Lilly tells her which she complies.
"But dont wait for long, I'll be waiting for you in your chambers ok" she says  to Lilly as they enter her chambers.

Lilly's Pov....
I stayed alone in the bathtub reminiscing about my life in human world without any magic or shape shifters or even worse monsters. I wash my blonde hair. Surprisingly my hair has become a little longer. And my skin feels tender and soft. It was all because of the magic that head escort did.
I finish and dry myself before wearing my thin top and fitting skirt.
"I'm ready let's go"  i tell her.
"You're looking more beautiful everyday" Lisa compliments.
"I don't even get it, same as you're glowing right now" i tell her which makes both of us laugh.
We soon enter the dinning room and i see all the girls are seated with the queen mother.
"How are you doing darling " she says in her motherly voice.
"I'm fine " i say and assure her with a smile.
"Come sit and let's eat" she calls me and i sit at where i first sat the day we met her.
"I'll be telling you'll something after breakfast" she tells us.
"But lisa and Marie already know so dear you can choose to listen or go and talk with the people in the village" she tells them.
"We'll stay mother", Marie says
"Is it something we should worry about?" Rita asks.
"No dear, its about you being here and accepting it" she says which we all go silent in thought.
"Its not like we can go back anyway" Rose shrugs.
"Yeah" i add.
After talking we eat and when we finished, The queen mother called us to her chambers.
"Now sit while I tell you about the history of this place and why you must accept everything" she says.
We look around the spacious room, she had a small garden inside her chambers that seem to be glowing as it has magic in them.
"Beautiful" i say in awe.
We all sit and listen to her........................

We were oblivious that it was night time until one of us yawned...

*Short chapter*

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞 on Wattpad....

Published on 27th February 2024...

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