Chapter 23.

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Lilly's pov.
I woke up as the first thing I see are Gabriel's eyes.
"is something wrong?" I ask hi as he stares at me.
"can't I have a look at my wife's sleeping face" he says as I look in his green eyes which have turned lighter.
He says and rub his palm on my hand.
"come on lets get to bathed"  he says and pick me in a bridal style.
"a-wait I haven't slept fully yet" I try to lie.
"stop lying wife, I can feel it" he says.

Getting to the bathtub he removes my cloth as I sit on the edge. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked anyways. I think to myself.
He finishes and gently lowers me inside the tub as I feel the warm water soothing my nerves. I relax and lean on the side as I watch him.
Feeling my gaze on him he looks up as he untie the cloth on his abdomen. I immediately remove my eyes from him as he did that purposely to get my reaction.
"don't look away wife" I hear him say but I close my eyes instead. Then I hear the water making sound as I open my eyes to find him gently lowering himself as I watch his thick member. How can it even fit into me, A virgin?. I wonder as I continue looking at him earning a smirk from him.
"enjoying what you see?" he asks as my face beat up.
"N-no" I tell him
"you like lying wife" he says as he takes the brush in his hands and some thing like a shampoo or whatever.
Putting it in the brush, he foam it and then pick my hand up to brush me. After brushing my hand he gets closer and sit in front of me as I look somewhere else.
Going to my neck and chest area, I try to stop him.
"I-it's okay let me take it from here" I tell him but he protests.
"no wife let me, it's my responsibility"  he says as I stop in defeat.
Going towards my breast area, he uses the brush as I hiss in pain. The brush was hurting my soft and sensitive skin at that area.
"what happened?" he asks.
"the brush hurts, please be gentle"  I tell him as he puts the brush on the edge of the tub and rub some foam in his hand before putting it on my breast. Gently moving his hand on my breast as he fondles with it. This guy definitely has no idea of what he's doing to me.
"ouch" I groan as he squeezes me tighter "  he immediately leaves my breast and go down.
I need to stop this.
" stop wash yourself I'll take it from here" I tell him but he doesn't listen as he picks up one of my legs and brush through and then the other as my legs spread wide for him to see everything.
"you're soon beautiful wife" he says.
"hmm" I hum at him clearly enjoying the massage he's giving to me under my feat.

After finishing with me, he put me out as I warp the towel around myself trying to pat dry.
After a few days here I've noticed my skin becoming whiter and more white which kind of bothers me.
My breasts have increased and so as my sensitivity to anything that touches me.

Finally drying myself, I walk out to pick a dress for myself and luckily I found a green floral dress. I kinda love green now.
I put it on happily as Gavriel stands behind me and hug me
"go and get dressed Gav" I tell him.
"I'm hugging my wife" he says.
"yeah everyone knows that I'm yours" I tell him as he laughs vividly.
Releasing me he goes into the closet and soon he came out with a green cloth matching mine.
"my husband is soon obvious" I say as I couldn't hd it anymore.
"can't I match a dress with my wife?" he ask as I roll my eyes at him.
*knock *knock
We hear as Gavriel opens the door.
"what is it?" he ask in an irritated voice.
"queen mother would like to see lady Lilly" she says with her head bowed.
"what for?" he ask as I immediately say.
"erm tell mother I'll be there soon" she bows and leaves.
I wonder what she's coming to discuss with us.
I quickly wear my heels and say bye to Gavriel before going....

To anyone reading

Lots of love <3 ❤️

I really appreciate your votes,  it means a lot.

By Lilyrizzy💞.....

Published;2nd march 2024.....

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