chapter 16

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I got awaken by the loud cheering out side. Then i hear a constant knock on my chamber door.
"I'm coming" i say as i get down from the bed and open the door.
"Princess Lilly"the escort bowed before saying...
"The prince's have arrived" she says jt with calm as i exclaim.
"W-what?" I stutter.
"We will be needing you to step out and welcome your husband" she says.
"W-wait a moment" i say and close the door as i go into the bathroom trying to pee but nothing comes out.i quickly get up as i have nothing on my mind but that fierce looking shape shifter i met in the forest my first day here.

I take in breathes as i open the door to see the escort still standing there with her head bowed.
"Let's go" i say as she waits for me to by pass her before following me.

We walk out as i look at the night clouds which seems to be glowing.
"It seems the heavens are even celebrating at their arrival" i mumble to myself. Then i see Marie and Lisa standing around talking happily.
"What are you girls happy about?" I ask them as Marie smiles shyly.
"They're here" lisa says while looking nervous but excited.
Then i see the rest coming towards us
"Are you girls ready" we hear the queen mother's voice.
"There's the celebration going on at the center of the village and thats why you'll see your husbands." She tells us.
"Now let's get into the carriage and leave to the town" she says as we see six carriages coming towards us.
All with symbols and colors to whom they belong to.
I look at the light green carriage as it stood there waiting for me to get inside.
The others did the same as we stare at it in awe. It was soo beautiful and majestic.
"Come-on ladies"the queen mother says as she enters hers which is the big one amongst the carriage.
Soon we all take it and leave to where the celebration is going on...

I sat in my carriage nervous and scared. What if he hurts or worst kills me. I still remember those claws and his scaled body, the fangs and slit green eyes. It all got ants crawling on inside my stomach.
I feel soo scared for the first time in my life, not even when my Mom had a surgery.
I sit in the carriage waiting for whats to come once we get to where the feast is on going.......

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞 ..

Published;28th February 2024...

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