chapter 5

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Lilly's Pov...
I look at the older woman who sits there looking happy whlies we were in a dilemma.
"S-sons? B-bride?" I ask.
"Yes dear my sons have chosen you five as their brides since  they brought you here anyway".she says while making some movements with her fingers as the candles on the table starts to light up which struck all of us in awe.
"M-magic" Rita says as she stares at the woman.
"That's right child, magic" she says while looking at us.
"What's your name child?" She looks toward me as she gave me a small smile.
"I-im Lilly Mam." I say while stuttering.
" Call me mother dear" she says.
"What about you girls?" she says looking at them as they start to introduce their selves.

        I watch the woman as she has long white hair and tanned skin it seems like everyone here was tanned skin but their eyes were very beautiful as the old woman had hazel eyes, and she has magic whats more to discover as i sit there in thought.
"I believe you met my sons,  they told me about how they found you girls" she says.
"The crown prince was the one who brought you here Lilly and the other prince took Marie, Rose,Rita and Lisa here."
"C-crown prince?"
"B-but that was some creature and its not a person" i say looking scared.
"Of course, they were in other forms as they went to hunt" she says while throwing her head back and laughing.
"We dont want to be here, i want to go back home" i say hurriedly this makes the woman to stop laughing and stare at me with glowing hazel eyes which made me to back up as she seem angry.
"If i were you , i wouldn't mention going back" she growls.
"B-but i want to go back" you should have known you wouldn't go back when you opened the portal.
" Can't we go back?"
"No you can't" she says.
"My sons are the only ones who can save you girls now, I'm afraid when this news get to the other people, that you came through the portal! You might be killed" she explains.
"I'm scared " i whisper in a small voice.
"You shouldn't be as my sons will take care of you" she says.
"Cant i not marry your son without getting killed?" I ask.
"I'm afraid you can't dear"  she says looking at me pitifully.
"I believe you should get ready as my sons might come any day from now since they have gone hunting for days" she says while getting up and leaving us to eat.
"I dont want to be here" Marie says.

By Lilyrizzy

Published on 23rd February 2024

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