chapter 8

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*brrrzz ouzz“
They woke up as fast early in the morning. Lilly woke up Lisa who was sleeping on her numb shoulder. Whlies Rita woke the other two.
" We need to find food and keep moving" Rita tells them while standing up.
"B-but how do we find food?" Lilly questions.
"Since we're in the woods we're bound to see some fruits,now let's move girls"Rose says while staring at her bruises on her legs.
"Let's go"Lilly tells Lisa as she helps her to stand and soon enough they saw some blue berries and immediately dig into it without knowing the dangers these wild berries contains.
After they were done and took in some water, they began walking .
The sky was bright blue again.
Just as they relax while walking,they hear the familiar sound
"Oh no!!they got here soo fast" Rita says while ushering us to hurry up.
"We should hurry up"She says.
As they got farther and farther just a little more and they'll reach the river and cross to the other side.just as they were about to near the river,a loud bombering shout was heard.
*Brwwww ouzz….!!* And there stood a huge and ugly monster staring at them with saliva dripping from his wide mouth.
*Brww ouzz* and then it lunged at them Bearing his fangs at them
"Dodge Lisa" Rita shouts as the creature swings his claws at lisa.
"Oh no" screams Lilly as she runs over to lisa and protect her from the creature  as it clawed her on arm making some few scratches that start flowing with blood.

        Lilly's Pov......

          When i saw the ugly monster swinging its claws at Lisa, i didn't hesitate to cover her with my body as the monster's claws scratch on my arms which start to bleed profusely.
It hurts soo much as i nearly lose my consciousness.
"Lilly!!!" Marie screams as she got closer to us.
While Rose and Rita try to distract the monster but not without getting their body scratched as they also start to bleed. " I-i dont feel o-okay" i struggle to say.
"I feel like I'm about to die" i say while tearing up. Mom and Dad..... As i think about them making me tear up more .
"Hang on Lilly"Marie says as she holds me trying to balance my step.
Just then we hear the familiar sound.
*Wooo ..... kukkuku"
And there we see them,the shape shifters as their guards put up a fight with the monster and there i felt my consciousness slipping and i see Rita and Rose also falling on the ground. Then it drawn on me. They cought us and they'll never let us go again .
"Have you run enough?"i hear one of the guards say.
"Oh shit, their blood is poisoned by the orger," says one of the shape shifting guards.
"Quick lets get them to the village before they die" they say and there i lose my consciousness......

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published on 23rd February 2024

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