chapter 21.

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I walk through the corridors to my chambers as i reflect on the words the queen mother told me.
I've made up my mind to try and get accommodated with him.
I open the door and get inside as i look at the tall man standing with a cloth on his private area as his hair drips from water passing to his chest.
For a moment i stood at the gate and just stare at him as i look at his features all over again.
He stares at me for a brief before looking away and doing his thing.
"I-im sorry" i say to him as it goes unanswered.
I look up expecting him to say something but he looks away and continue doing his thing.
then i recall the words queen mother told me 'even if it meant to do something '.
I walk a bit closer to him but he does not notice me so I walk infront of him and stand there which he turns the other way going to the far end of the room.
It hurts to see him ignoring me. I quickly run to him as i hug him from the back. I don't know what is wrong with me but all i know is that i must make things right with him.
I press my front against his back as he seem taken aback.
"I'm sorry please stop you're hurting me" i tell him as i tear up.
He stops what he's doing and turns around as he pry open my hands.
"I'm very fond of you wife and it also hurt to see you rejecting and getting scared of me" he says.
"I-im sorry, I won't reject you or get scared of you" i tell him with tears in my eyes.
"Promise?" He asks.
"Promise" i dont have a choice anyway,this is my new life and i must accept it how it is. I remind myself.
"I-i need to go and take a bath" i tell him as i turn to walk into the bathroom.
"Wait let me fill the tub first" he says as i stand there waiting for him.
In a short time i hear him say.
"Its ready come and take a dip" he says.
I get inside as he gets out taking something with him.
I get out of the clothes before dipping into the tub.
Its soo soothing i relax as i wash myself in a tub spacious to fit the two of us. I scrub my body with the soft brush as i take in every slight detail of me.

Ive noticed that my  long blonde hair have become soft and smooth. My skin have been glowing and my breasts are just increasing a bit. My nipples have turned pink and its always erected, I've become very sensitive down there. I rhink as i hear something behind me and I turn my head slightly.

There i see Gavriel getting into the tub as he stays behind me.
"Y-you just bathed" i tell him
"I want to spend this time with my wife he says.
"Come here," he opens his arms and I go towards him with my back as I'm shy to turn around.
"Shy " he says while chucking and i bow my face.
I put my back on his front and try to relax against him.
Then he turns  me around as that took me by surprise. And now I'm straddling him.
"Ha!" I scream small as something seem to be hitting my sensitive vagina. I look at Gavriel who was staring at me with his eyes misty.
"Soo soft" he mumbles as i shyly look away.
He pulls me closer again to him and i warp my arms around my breasts as i still feel shy around him.
"Let me see wife" he says.
"I'm shy" i say inaudibly.
He takes my arms gently away from my breasts as the thing under my vagina seem to harden as he looks at my breasts. His eyes turned dark green.
"Things i want to do to you" he says making me stare at his lips.......

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞...

Published;28th February 2024....

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