chapter 13.

18 13 2

             Few days passed and the girls became a little accommodated in their environment. They decide to go along with what's to come a and for get about the pain but live their lives to the fullest.
It was night time and the people were having their usual activities in the center of the town as the girl's joined them.
"And that's how we got magic" the queen mother finishes the folktale shes been telling them.
Lilly got a feeling that someone is staring at her but the moment she turns her eyes,she sees no one.
Then she looked infront of her and there stood the little guy from earlier staring at her. She rolled her eyes at him and continue to listen to the other folktale the queen mother is saying.
"Do you have something on you?" Lisa asks me.
"No I dont" i tell her"why are you asking?" I add.
"That little guy has been staring at you for almost all the days we spent here" she says making me shrug my shoulder.
"Hmph! Wouldn't you feel guilty when you sell someone out?" I ask.
"That little guy feels guilty towards us" i say.
"Mmm you're right" Lisa says.
The queen mother was telling us folktale until one of the guards came to her and told something in her ear making her hazel eyes go all round.
"I have a great message for the people and royal brides" she says looking at us.
"My sons will be returning after a long hunting season" she drops making everyone whisper as it got louder.
"Your brothers, husbands,sons and a few brave women would be coming home by tomorrow. Are you ready to meet them?" The queen mother asks she looks at the people and asks.
"YES!" The people say in unison.
"Now we need to start preparing the feast and marriage rites" she says.
"Women bringout all your best and let's prepare large feast for the men, Brides are to prepare for their ceremony tomorrow as the men will be consummating the marriage." She says making my heart go 'bah dum'!
"Guess the nightmare is down at our doorstep " Rita says.
"Chill its going to be alright" Marie says as she thinks of what her husband will look like.
"I-its finally h-happening" I say.
"Stop freaking out Lilly " Rose assures me.
"Its going to be alright " Lisa says making me nod.
The women then started singing praisal songs"
' our men are the great hunters »'

'they fear no beast or monster ’

'God of magic protect our men"

We stood there and listen as the women sang the song and now there was a glow radiating from their hands as they sang the music.
"My sons are safe and sound" the queen mother says and the women starts shouting in happiness.
We stood there oblivious.
Soon it all came to an end and we all go into our chambers.
The thought of that green eyed man scares me so i put it aside and think about Mom and Dad before drifting off to sleep....

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞 on Wattpad.....

Published on 27th February 2024.

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