chapter 19.

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  I try to avoid any talks with the man beside me. I don't know but every time I feel irritated when i remember him dancing with that Zara girl. He looks at me from time to time but i dont care.
We sit as the queen mother speaks, "we would all like to hear the experiences you had when hunting."
"Now zon come and tell us all the details " she says as she looks at the man besides me.
He stands up and make his way to the head of the table as he starts narrating their struggles and hunting process they had while constantly looking at me here and then but i gaze at the table without looking at him.
And soon he ends as they all clap and he sits next to me.
"That was an interesting adventure " the queen says as she smiles.

After some time of talking and laughing, it was time to go home as everyone started to depart one by one by one. He tries to hold my hand but I step back as he grabs the air rather.
"D-dont touch me" i whisper for him to hear.
He stands for a bit as i bow my face looking on the ground. Then he starts moving and i follow him i hear people whispering as the seem to have seen the interaction between us.
Soon i get to the carriage as i wait for him to enter but he just stands there looking at me. So i entered first and within a short time he also entered.
The carriage began to move as there was erie silence between us.
"I'm Gavriel" he says and stare at me from his side.
I just listen yo him silently without saying anything.
I mutter a small "okay" and there was silence again.

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published;28th February 2024...

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