chapter 3

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Lilly's Pov...
"Wooo... kuku ".. i hear something from a distance as i laid there tired. Then everything of what we did yesterday came back crushing on me.
"Oh no" i say as i open my eyes and push my upper body to be in a sitting position and start looking around. There i saw the scenery infront of me,
Green forest and bright blue clouds just then i saw someone coming towards me and as i look up, i saw the most bright green eyes I've ever seen staring down at me.
Wait..... Where are the others?
I panicked and looked around as i see the twins, Rose and Rita wide awake as the stare at the person infront of me with fear in their eyes while i look for Marie and lisa just there i spot them lying on the green grass still seemly unconscious ass two men stare at them trying to touch them with something like claws.
"N-no dont hurt them" i try to get their attention but they dont mind as they continue trying to touch them with their claws. Just then i hear something or someone standing in front of me and its that person with green eyes, he start coming towards me slowly.
"N-no stay b-back" i look at the creature standing in front with green eyes,long claws, scaled blue skin and sharp fangs .
I try to push myself up but failed as my legs were hurting from the impact we took.
"W-where are we?" I ask looking at Rita as she seems to know this place.
"S-s-shape shifters"Rita says backing away with Rose.
"W-what?"I exclaim.
"Back away from him before he hurts you" i hear Rita say as i began moving back and the creature started rushing forward.
"S-stay back" i murmur in a small vice probably he wouldn't hear but unfortunately he stopped and stared at me with those light green eyes.
While licking his lips. Eww that tongue is soo long and slit.
I back away enough from him as i support my weight on a nearby tree to stand. Then i hear that sound again
"Wooo ....kukku."from the other creatures hovering over lisa and Marie seemly attracted to my friends.
  Just as i was about to speak, i heard Marie and Rita cough and scream at the same time as they open their eyes seeing those creatures.
  "Help!" marie exclaims as she starts to back away from the creature.
"Th-ese are animals"lisa tears up.
"Where are we" i ask no one.
"I think this is another world as Rita explains.
   Then we see many shape shifters coming to us, they were probably 8 male creatures. just then i felt something hit me on my neck as i fell unconscious again.

By Lilyrizzy 😌

   Published on 23rd February 2024

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