chapter 18.

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I look at the strange husband of mine and pry open his hand from mine as he looks at me sharply. Afraid he might kill me i bow my face looking down but he just sit me on the chair besides him. And soon the others joined as queen mother went to sit at the head of the table. I look as all my friends sat with their supposed to be husbands and noticed that they were all equally handsome as they were brothers.

Then i look at the far end and saw a woman with short red hair gazing at me for a moment i saw a little haterd in there but when i look again it was gone. I look at the other short red haired two girls as they seem to do their business. Oblivious to the person who sitting beside hers gaze,she continued to look around and then she felt a light squeeze on her thigh and squired with no should coming from her lips. 
"What are you soo seriously looking at huh wife" he asks in a deep voice making me shy my head down.
"N-nothing" i say to him as he chuckles and look at his mother.
"I'd like to make a toast for the brave women who went hunting with the men, we are all grateful to you girls" she says and call out their names.
"Zara,Bambi and kylin we say a big thank you to you girls." She says as the girls stood up.
The one looking at me earlier shyly nodded her head as she gaze at queen mother.
"Thank you mother" she says in a soft voice making the other men sitting on other tables look at her in aw.
"You're such a sweet girl and you should consider settling down soon" she tells her as she sub consciously look towards me not me per say but the man sitting behind me.
I turn and look at him but he seem to be staring at me already.

This man is weird, i say as i look back at him.
"Now let the feast finally begin"
And then everyone start to take any food they like. My friends and I say there as we were oblivious to the things around here.
"Why are you not eating?"i hear the his voice.
"I-i want to" i say shyly.
"Come which one do you like" he says as i stare at the rice which seem to be the only food am familiar with.
"Rice?" He asks  and i nod.
After putting the rice in my plate he continues to do the same for himself.
While putting meat and veggies on my food.
"I-its okay" i tell him which he stops.
"If you need more just tell me okay?"
I look at the heap of rice infront of me.
"How I'm I suppose to eat all these?" I mumble to myself.
Finally i was able to eat less than what i expected. 
As the eating was going on others where dancing and celebrating.
" When you're done, let's have a dance" i look at him as he stares at me.
"I-i can't" i tell him as he doesn't answer but looks away....

After eating, I look at Lisa and the brown eyed man as they walk to dance in the crowd. Soon marie and the blue eyed man also joined leaving the queen mother, Rita, Rose, our husbands and the three unfamiliar girls.
I sit there as i look at the people dancing.
"My prince,can I have this dance with you?" I turn my head and look at the woman with the name Zara as she looks at my supposed husband shyly.
I was thinking he would reject but he surprised me with the simple.
"Okay" i watch as he walk off with the woman as she twirls around him in the crowd.
I don't know why I'm feeling this but there's some kind of envy in me that's beginning to rise when ever i look at them.
"I told you to never reject them" i look at the queen mother with teary eyes.
"I don't know why I'm feeling sullen" i tell her.
"You two are sacred and when you reject him you'll fell only sadness for doing that" she tells Rita and I as we seem to be the only girls left on the table. Her husband with purple eyes was invited by kylin to dance with her as we watch Rose dancing with her black eyed husband. The dance goes on and goes on as we sat there.
Then the little boy from earlier approached me.
He bowed and said "may i take a seat her, my lady?" I nod at him.
"One thing our prince dislike is being rejected" he says and i look at him.
"The moment you reject him, he'll find his way around with other girls" he says and i look towards him with teary eyes.
The feeling is unbearable.
"Please stop this, you're only just a kid" i tell him and he smiles.
"I'll get back to you my lady"
He says and get lost in the crowd of dancing people.
"What was that?" Rita asks
"The boy says the truth" queen mother tell us.

We sit there as the music comes into a end and everyone starts getting back to their seats. ..
I look at my three friends who are sweating and the others.
He came and sat behind me as I look away.
I'm very upset with him about making me sad.
"Are you okay" he asks and I don't reply but nod my head.
"Well i can feel you" he says..
I look around and i see Zara who was glaring at me.
What is it now, i think in my head.
You got to have a dance with him and touch him. What else do you want. I glare back at her as it seem to be on instinct. She seem taken aback as she turn her glare away from me....

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞...

Published; 28th February 2024...

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