chapter 15.

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  I watch as the queen mother tell us what to do and what not at the marriage ceremony.
"Gurls, you are to give in to your husbands and not to resist them" she says.
All of us just gaze at her without talking back.
"I'm us clear?"she asks making us nod our head.
"They like to pamper their sacred partner so don't resist them when they do so"
"They might want to add more wives as having them brings more allies to them"
I and the others exclaim.
"M-marry another?" I ask stuttering.
"Yes, that's only if you treat him right and give him what he wants" she tells us.
"Then he'll have all eyes for you" she says.
"Now let's go and Begin the marriage ceremony"
"But our supposed 'husbands' are not here yet" Rita emphasis on the husband.
"We'll in our way only the wife does the ceremony and then the husband will join for the feast after " she tells us.
"Hurry up ladies,the men will be here in no time " she adds and we stand up one by one getting out.
She takes us to a large room which i guess the ceremony will be.
"Is this a Mass ceremony or what?" Rose asks no one.
"Yeah cant you see" lisa confirms.
There were five seats and they were colored just like our dresses.
I look over to the green beautifully designed seat in the middle of the five.
"Go on Lilly sit down." I hear the queen mother say.
As i took one step my steps became heavy as my eyes become teary.
This is the life I'll be living now and I can't seem to come in terms with it.
After reaching the seat, i turn and sit down gracefully.
One by one the others sat down.

And then some people were coming in one by one as i noticed it's the women from the town happily getting inside.
They sat around us as we were in the middle of their circle.
As i look around i saw the Queen mother coming in with five women behind her. They looked scary a bit with their hands covered in black scales. I look at their eyes which seem to be glowing.
  I immediately bend my head before they notice my gaze.soon all the women have entered and there was complete silence. The room began to darken as we look around.
"Whats happening?" Rose whisper to us.
"I don't know" Lisa also whisper.
And then slowly there was looked like small circle balls as it floated in the room. Some were glowing green,red, Orange,blue and ash.
I look at the room which began to swirl with the light balls floating in the air. Then i heard chanting and singing as the women sang the light became brighter and the room buzz with light unfamiliar rhythms.
"I give my sons to you girls" we hear the queen mother say before the singing continued again.
Soon those creepy women earlier began to sing and chant while turning in circles we watch in amazement and awe.

We sat there as they made their sacrifices and all the necessary things.
Then out of nowhere the small balls began to form thin like thread but a little thicker. We watch as it transformed into little chains as we gaze at it.
Now there were five different colored chains as the queen mother took it in her hands as it was floating.
She then give it to the five creepy women.
"These are the chains that signifies that you are married to these men" Queen mother says. As the songs still continues.
"You bring your neck and they put it on for you"
"Now Lilly start" why always me? I thought in my head.
"You are starting because you are married to the crown prince of this town" she says.
I stare at her for a moment before walking towards to remove my hair from my neck.

The moment the woman placed the chain on my neck, i felt something surge through me. It became unbearable as i whimper brush through my lips.
"W-what's h-happening?" I ask as sweat formed on my forehead.
"His magic is trying to be in your system so don't fight it and accept it"she says and then the pain stops as everything silences.
"He'll bond with you when he comes that's why the pain is painful" the woman says.
"Now the rest start coming one after the other"the woman says....

Finally the ceremony is over and its left with the feast and celebration.
"I-im married to a shape shifter" i say as i look at the girls.
"Its going to be alright" Rita assures me.
"Yeah i believe so" Marie adds as she hugs me and the rest also join as we hug our selves and tear up abit.
"I'm going to rest for the feast and you should do the same" i tell them trying to run from the reality by sleeping.
"We need to go to the village remember?"Rita reminds me.
"Ok" we go to the village and the women there began praising and bowing as we were now the princesses of this village.
"Please stand up" i tell them.
"May you live long princesses" she says and gives the last bow.
"Thank you" i smile at her.

After going into the village  and coming back, i go into mine chambers and try to sleep before those men arrived tonight......

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞....

Published; 28th February 2024.....

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