Chapter 24.

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   I walk through the corridors as I see Rita and the others. I quickly run to them.
"good morning ladies" I greet as I got closer.
"Godd morning girl" they say.
Looking at Marie, Lisa and rose who seem to be glowing, I proceed to ask them what was wrong.
"what's up with you girls?" I ask looking at the three.
"we had our first nights" Lisa says.
"of course we all had our first night with our husbands so what do you purposely mean?" Rita ask seeming irritated.
"didn't you?" Marie ask as she looks at Rita and I.
"No I did not" I tell them and Rita also nods her head.
"so you three did it with them?" Rita ask as she widens her eyes.
"no wonder you're walking Soo woobly" I says as I watch each of them
"there's no time to waste let's get to the queen mother" Lisa says as we start moving.

Soon we reach her place as we enter one after the other.
"oh what took you girls Soo long?" she asks as soon as we entered.
But no one answered.
We sit in our required place as she begins to talk.
"I can see how some of you are glowing" she says staring at Marie, Lisa and Rose.
"what happened to you girls" she asked looking at me and Rita.
"well anyway the reason why I called you girls is because of the party coming on this night" she says.
"so be prepared to relax and enjoy yourselfs tonight"
"now let's all go and have breakfast" she says while getting up and we do the same.

Thank you for your time and support. ❤️❤️.

Lots of love <3😍.

By Lilyrizzy😌💞..

Published; 3rd march 2024.....

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