chapter 6

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Lilly's Pov.
  "Lets get away from here" i say while looking at everyone.
"Y-yes I'm with you Lilly" Lisa says with a panicked expression.
"M-me too" marie says while wiping her tears.
"I-its all my fault, I'm sorry girls"Marie says while looking at us apologetically.
" Its no ones fault but me! I should have stopped you girls before things got put of hands". I say
"Enough with the blame shifting" Rita says while getting up.
"We better start making plans to escape before any of those men gets here"Rose says
"Y-yes we better hurry "Lisa says.
"So we leave at night, okay?"Rita says.
"How do we escape? Its not like we know the way around this place" Marie says trying to push her glasses and short black hair back.
" We'll run non stop to wherever our legs take us"Rita says.
"Okay". The rest of us say in unison.
  We began eating the food as it looks appetizing anyway. Soon we finished the food and some women in thin clothes enter the room carrying something like clothes while the others carry the finished dishes away. I stare at the older woman infront of us. She seem to be the head maid here. i think.
"Girls change from the clothes you're wearing and wear what the escorts are handing to you" we hear her say as the ladies hand everyone each thin cloth. This is too thin as it has two pieces, an off shoulder top with short thin fitting skirts.
"Cant you get us other one's" Rita asks seemly bold.
"Ha! Such an ungrateful girl you are!"she exclaims.
"You're already lucky the queen mother took pity of you girls and wants you to marry her sons" she angrily spats .
"Now wear your clothes before i tell the escorts to help you" she says.
" C-cant you give us some privacy?"i ask.
"You better start wearing it before we help you,which you wouldn't like" she says. We immediately start peeling off our tatted clothes, as we stood there bear for their eyes to feast on us. One of the escort exclaimed as she saw my plump breasts and my pink pointy nipples. I try to cover myself and wear my given clothes quickly .
As soon as we finished they ushered us out of the room.
"We'll be giving each one of you your chambers".
As they began showing us each of our chambers which belongs to the prince's, we just stood there staring at each other.
"We would like to sleep together tonight" Rita says looking at the head escort.
"Ha such an ungrateful girl you are," she says while looking at Rita's way.
But she seem unfazed.
"Alright give them one room for them to sleep "The woman says without showing the rest of us our rooms.
After they were done, they went away.
"Now girls its getting to night and we must leave here sometime.
"When do we leave?"Rose asks her sister.
"Soon" Rita reply

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published on 23rd February 2024

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