Chapter 25

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            We all walk to the dining room as we saw all the men sitting on their seat with spaces next to them, which I guess that'll be for us. We enter as I sit beside Gavriel and the rest take their respective seats.
"what took you Soo long?" Gavriel ask as I sit down.
"Mother said there's going to be a party tonight" I tell him as  he nods.
"let's all have a harmonious breakfast" she says and we began eating.

I pick my chopsticks as these people seem to eat with those sticks.
Picking some leaf and meats, I chew on it as the sweet and sour taste blend together in my mouth.
"eat more" Gavriel says as he adds some extra leafs to my plate.
"I'm full don't add leafs" I pick the leafs and warp it around the meat as I chew them.
"I'll be going to the village after breakfast do you want to go?" Gavriel asks.
"no" I shake my head.
"I'll just rest a bit" I add and he nods in understanding.

After eating, all the men went to the village as it was left with only us.
" I can't believe I've consummated my marriage" Lisa squeals.
"me too" Rose and Marie adds.
"it was Soo breathtaking" she adds.
"so you girls when are you consumating yours?" They ask Rita and I.
"I don't know" I tell them factly.
"I'm going to rest my head a bit" I tell them while standing up and Rita also does the same thing as we walk out leaving the three girls behind.
"I talked with Ace and he assured me that we are the only ones they plan on marrying" Rita tells me and I nod.
"I'll see you at the party tonight" I tell her as I pass the other corridor leading to my chambers.
        Getting inside, I lay on the bed as I think about what Marie said about consumating the marriage with Gavriel. I think that'll wait for a bit.
Finally drifting off to a deep slumber.

I woke up nearly getting to evening as I see the sun going to settle at the west.
I got up getting out of bed as I go to the bathroom to wash my face. After that I get out and see gavriel getting inside.
"you're back" I tell him as he nods.
"I'm here to pick you to the party are you ready?" he asks.
"yeah let's go" he gets out and I follow behind him.

Finally getting in the carriage as the others follow behind we set off to the village.......

By Lilyrizzy😌💞....

Published; 3rd march 2024....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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