chapter 7

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  * Wooo..brrrzzzz*

Soon everywhere became soo quiet that the only sound coming was the birds chirping.
"I think its about time we set off" Rita says while peeking out of the room.
We then hear the clouds rumbling, it seems its about to rain as few rains  drizzle.
"Now let's set off" Rita says while moving out followed by Rose,Lisa,Marie and Lilly.
They slowly get out of the room without making any sound, it was easy to find our way around as they have passed here just now when the escorts showed them their  chambers.
They slowly tip toed down the corridor and open the main gate leading to the outside of the Royal house.
  As they got out they slowly make their way around the village. Surprisingly no one was around not even the guards.As Rita was the one leading them around. Now as they are about to near the center of the village, they saw that people have gathered and seated making a circle with the elder woman we met earlier telling them something like a folktale.
Rita immediately pause as she motions with her hands for them to move back and pass the other way round.

Lilly's Pov...
  I watch as the elder woman who called me blonde stands in the circle of people seemly all women shape shifters. As i was about to follow them to the other side there i saw the little guy i saw earlier staring at me again. As i see him pulling a woman that might be his Mom to look at us. As the woman saw me she immediately exclaimed then there i knew that she might tell the others.
"R-run" i shout for Rita and the others to hear me as they look back at me.
"That little boy told his mom and i think she'll tell the others" i quickly inform them.
"Shit!" Rita curses.
"R-run" i shout again.
And soon the rain starts heavily.
We quickly find our way into the woods and run with all our might.
"Keep in touch and do not stay back" Rita exclaims. As we quickly run faster without looking back.
Due to the rain, the forest floor was soo slippery and one wrong step might get you into trouble.we keep on running and the rain isn't helping either.
"A-arrrrgh!" i hear Lisa scream as she fell.
"Lisaa-a!" I scream. Thats my sibling and im not living without her. I turn back and walk to her. While Rita and the others also come back. We hoist lisa up as she seem to have sprain her ankle.
"Shit this isn't good"Rose says while looking at Lisa's Ankle
" C-can you walk?" I ask her.
"I can manage" lisa says while assuring me.
"Stay still and let me make your ankle right." Rita says
She immediately help lisa with her ankle as we have no time to lose.
"Arrgh!" Lisa exclaims
"There! Done" Rita says.
"Girls, come on" marie says hurriedly.
We then began running again.
"Watch your step! lisa" i say, cant have her spraining her ankle again.
We kept on running again till we were exhausted and tired from everything.
"I think this should be enough" Rita says while breathing heavily.
"Yes " we all say in unison.
There was a small cave in the forest so we immediately look in for any monster lurking inside before we settled in fortunately there was none.
"We'll start moving next morning " i hear Rita say.
"I'm soo tired,"lisa says while staring at me.
"Come here." I tell her as i open my arms to let her rest on my shoulder. We were feeling cold anyway.
Due to the thin strap of clothes on us we easily got bruised by the hard leaves. I watch as my thin skirt has been torn, bearly covering my thighs with bruises all over my arm and legs. The others looked no good either.
We immediately try to close our eyes and have some sleep.
The next day will be tiring so i try my best to sleep.

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞
Published on 23rd February 2024.

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