chapter 14.

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  Morning came soon......
I woke up to the loud banging on my door as i struggle to open my eyes.
"Let me sleep more!" I shout to the person on the other side.
"You ungrateful girl! Open the gate Don't you know the occasion today?" I hear the head escort 's voice and immediately open my eyes.
I quickly go and open the door.
"Hmph!" She gets into the room and start ordering the others.
"Now stuff clothes in her closet, pack everything unnecessary and get it put" she says which they start doing it.
"W-what's going on?" I ask.
"Do i have to remind you of everything from last night?" I scrunch my face as i seem to be forgetting something big.
And then the realization hits me.
"Oh no its today" i say.
"Now go get ready the others are getting ready for the marriage ceremony" she says as she removes the sheets on the bed and replace it with another one. She takes one of the two pillows.
"Where are you sending it to?" I ask.
"You'll not be needing it" she says and throws it out.
"B-but we're two" i say.
"Your husband is enough to accommodate you" she says.
"Hmmm this husband thing"i mutter to myself.
"Go get ready,woman" she says with her hands on her hips.
I quickly enter the bathroom and luckily everything was set.
I peel my thin clothes off and get ready to dip in the tub.
After doing everything i get out and there stood three escorts .
"We'll be helping you" they say in unison.
I nod at them.
They sit me down and style my hair with sweet scented flowers.
They bring in a thin green floral dress as it reaches past my feet.
They put magic on the dress making it shine.
"Beautiful" i mutter as i hold my breath.
"You're ready Mam, please go out the queen mother wants to see you" she says and i make my way through the halls as i see Rose, Rita, Marie and Lisa standing there in their gowns.
"You look ethereal" Rita says complimenting me..
"You look no less either" i tell her.
"You hurls are beautiful" queen mother says as she walks to them.
"Now come girls as I give you some marriage tips." She says and we all go inside and sit.
I look at Rita who was wearing purple floral dress
Rose with red.
Marie with blue and lastly Lisa brown and mine with green.
Then everything starts to be Clear to me.
They dressed us according to the eyes of the men we're going to marry. So I'm indeed getting married to that shape shifter of a pervert.

*Short chapter*

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞...

Published on 27th February 2024.....

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