chapter 17.

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As we got close to the center of the village, The celebration kept getting high and high as if they knew we're close by.
Am sure they know since the chains around my neck keeps glowing and I'm sure the others are doing so too.
The carriage finally pull to a stop as the people shouted and the music seem to get intense.
"Come down my lady" i look at the escort who opened the gate for me to get out.
I reluctantly get out as I see people dancing and shouting. I look further and there seem to be some people at the center as the rest danced around them.
We all get down and look around.
"Where are they?" Lisa ask in a whisper.
"Just look around" Rita tells her and we start to look around in the dancing crowd.

As I look around i felt someone's gaze on me so I looked around more seriously and there i saw his eyes. Those mint green eyes. I look at the eyes back and for a moment we stare at each other until I heard the queen mother's voice.
"Let's go into the circle girls" she says and we began following her into the crowd. They part way for us when we got there. As the crowd began to clear,  The people standing inside became more visible.
Then i saw the green eyes again but this time around he stood in the crowd smiling.
"Girls meet your husbands" the queen mother says and go to the green eyed man before hugging him and saying.
"Welcome home son" she relief from the hug as she does same to the others and we just stood there staring at those men.
He's walking towards me no the are all walking towards us. I try to back away but my feet stood rooted to the ground.
As he stood in front of me smiling,i gaze at him. Broad shoulders and well built, beautiful eyes just looking at this man one can say he's a piece of art. But wait wasn't he supposed to have scaled skin and fangs and then green slits. I part my lips to say something but i couldn't.
"Beautiful" i heard him say as I took my gaze to his lips. Such nice kissable lips. Oh what I'm I thinking! I thought to myself.
I just stood there and look at him until i heard a loud squik behind me. I turn my head backwards as i see Marie being hugged by one of the men which i suppose is her husband. As i was about to say something I felt someone's arms around me as it soon enveloped me in a hug. I turn my face as my forehead rested on his neck.

"W-what are you doing?" I stutter as i take in the smile of a forest on him. But he smells soo good just like nature.
"Can't i hug my wife?" He asks making me go silent. We continue to hug as it felt like eternity until my legs began to hurt whuch he pull out.
The chain on my neck began to gliw again as it seem to be soothing me and strengthing my body.
"Let the feast begin" we hear the queen mother say as i stay away from the man.
"A-are y-you the one i saw the other day in the forest?" I ask scared that he might kill me this instant.
He nods his head as he stare at me with those green eyes.
"B-but you were nothing like this" i stutter as i tell him.
"I'm a shape shifter" he says making me understand what he means as queen mother has already told me about this.
"Let's go and sit down" he says and bring me to the largest table ive ever seen as its very long and has chairs on each side with abundant food on it....

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞.....

Published; 28th February 2024...

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