Waking up in some small, rainy town in the middle of nowhere was definitely not one of Diana's predictions of what could possibly be happening to her, was receiving a whole new life. New life, new town, new parents. Or so she would have liked, the man who is now her father is practically the mirror image of the man she hadn't beaten to death all those years ago. It came as no surprise when she was growing up that he also acts like him. Not only that but her mother in this life also abandons her.
Diana honestly doesn't have many theories as to what her situation is. At first she had thought time travel but surely things wouldn't be so different from how they were. Her next theory is parallel universe, this too not making complete sense, but it's the best she has so far other than hell dimension however for once she is trying to be optimistic.
When she was around ten, she had been caught shoplifting. She didn't take anything crazy, just some food as her father hadn't bothered to get her any food for the past few days. The girl probably would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the sheriff himself catching her slip the chocolate bar into her pocket. Lacking the previous strength and speed she used to have, him catching her was a fairly easy feat. The sheriff, or rather Charlie as he insisted she called him, wasn't blind. The fact that this young girl had been left to starve, probably for years now, was obvious upon looking at her. He couldn't believe that no one had brought it to his attention.
Charlie gives Diana a ride home and finds himself breaking in front of an extremely familiar house. Hank, her father, is well known around the town for being an aggressive drunk- having spent a fair amount of time locked up at the sheriff's station after a particularly rowdy night out. He takes one look at the man who swings his front door open, stumbling out onto the porch, before driving off again.
The girl in the passenger seat gives him a confused look as his hands grip the steering wheel tightly. "Don't worry, you don't have to go back there." Charlie tells her, a determined look in his eye.
And he was true to his word. Diana never once stepped back into that house, nor did she ever have to see that man again. He put up no fight when Charlie had to taken him to court and signed over his parental rights as fast as he possibly could. It didn't come easy to them at first, as neither of them are big talkers but their quiet little routine eventually became natural.
Once she had settled in, he noticed her lack of friends and interactions with people of her 'age' and decides to take her down to the reservation for the day to go fishing with him and his friends, who would be bringing their own kids per his request. Once Sue Clearwater catches wind of this, she decides to make a day out of it. The small little fishing trip had turned into a barbecue down by the river.
Billy Black and his son Jacob are the first to arrive, both of them excited to meet Charlie's new daughter. The boy had been friends with Bella up until she had stopped visiting and he hopes to have a similar bond with her new sister, that even she had yet to meet. "I thought you said she was around my age." He says to his father, confused. "She's way too small to be eight." His father stares at him in disbelief, knowing that both Charlie and Diana had heard his son's statement.
"Actually I'm eleven." The blonde girl informs him, her face holding an irritated expression. Her arms are crossed are she glares at him. "Not everyone is a giant freak like you."
Charlie laughs at his friend's son's words, although he had been particularly worried about her small size. When he had first taken her to his house, he had given her some of Bella's old clothes from a couple of years ago to put on, for lack of any other option at that point in time. The brunette has certainly never been one of the biggest in her age group, but the girl who was a year older was swimming in her clothes. He had taken her to the doctor, knowing that the years of malnutrition was partly to blame for this but all the doctor could do from this point on is order for him to give her a properly balanced diet and plenty to eat.

𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 [𝟣]
FanfictionIN WHICH diana dies on what is supposed to be a routine patrol, only to be reborn in another universe. OR leah clearwater doesn't realise the love of her life has been by her side the whole time. - hounds of love [1] - completed [51,834 words] oh to...