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"Night, Di." Charlie says as he peeks his head into her room. It's almost eleven at night and Diana should probably be considering going to sleep at this time, considering that she gets up at the crack of dawn every morning. "You need anything before I go to bed?"

The blonde shakes her head and gives the man an innocently smile from her desk. "I'm fine, night dad." She replies with a small wave.

He goes to close the door, but pauses when he notices something on her wall. "Is that a new poster?" Charlie asks, pointing over at the Dio poster above her bed.

"Uh, yeah." Diana replies, her eyes flickering between the poster and her dad. She had made sure to cover all of the cracks, hadn't she? "You like it?"

The man chuckles. "Yeah, but I think you should lay off buying posters for a little while. You can hardly see the walls anymore." Charlie tells her, glancing around the dozens over posters stuck to the walls.

"Gotcha." Diana nods.

Once he's out of the room, the blonde gets up from her desk and slides on her combat boots. She grabs a torch and slides on one of Leah's hoodies before jumping out of her second story window. The distance between her house and the hospital is a long one, however is much shorter than the one to the Rez so the girl hardly breaks a sweat.

The hospital is quiet, quieter than any hospital she has ever been to before. She knows that Forks is a small town but surely there should be a few more people seeking medical attention than the single person that she finds sat in the emergency room. The nurse sat at reception is half asleep and barely notices the teenage girl walking right into the hospital.

This place is like a maze, even with all of the signs scattered all over the place, so it takes her a good ten minutes to figure out where exactly it is that she's supposed to be going.

She can smell the death radiating from the room before she even reaches the morgue, it is a scent she is rather familiar with after all. There's a keypad keeping the door locked, which is irritating. Picking locks is definitely one of her talents but she's no good with the electrical shit.

Diana tugs her hood down, making sure that her face isn't visible in the camera place directly behind her, before ripping the key pad off the wall. Only two of the sliding drawers seem to be in use, judging by the name labels on the doors.

"What are you doing?" A familiar smooth voice asks her.

The girl freezes in her tracks, cursing herself for getting caught. He really couldn't have waited five minutes to catch her snooping in the hospital morgue? "Dr Cullen, how lovely to see you again." She replies through gritted teeth.

The cold one smiles in amusement at the annoyance radiating off her, rather than the shame she should be feeling given the circumstances. "I would say the same to you, if you weren't snooping around dead bodies that is." Carlisle tells her.

Diana sighs, at least she was caught by a vampire, she supposes. Anyone else would have dragged her out of here immediately, not that anyone else would have been able to catch her in the act like this. She ignores his curious gaze following her as she opens the security guard's drawer and slides the body halfway out so that she can get a good look at his neck.

"I suppose I'll have to repeat my question." Carlisle clears his throat. "What are you doing?"

The girl traces her fingers across the bite marks on the mans neck. It isn't two puncture wounds, like she had been expecting, but rather it looks like someone had sunk their whole mouth into his skin. "Just having a look."

"What are you looking for?" He asks.

Diana groans and rolls her eyes at his incessant questioning. "God, I thought that you were a vampire, not the bloody riddler." She snaps. "Cool it with the questions." She can smell the nomad vampires on him, confirming that it was indeed them and not the Cullens, but it's faint due to the embalming chemicals.

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