Diana heads out for her run even earlier than she usually does. Ever since she had that vision last night she can't shake the feeling that something horrible is going to happen. She can barely hear her own thoughts due to how loud her heart is pounding in her chest. The girl wants to pretend like everything is normal, just as she had decided to be yesterday, but her slayer senses just won't let her.
Her gut is telling her that something's going to happen, and soon. She's never been lead astray by her instincts so she certainly isn't going to ignore them. Although it is typical that the second she decides to put that life behind her something prevents her from doing it.
The music on her MP3 player blasts through her headphones, drowning out the sound of her adrenaline fuelled heartbeat. Her movements are nothing more than a blur for the residents of Forks as she runs at full speed through the town. She barely even notices that she has done another full lap of the town until she reaches her house once more.
Charlie is sat at the kitchen table, thoroughly cleaning his rifle. He looks strangely at peace as he cleans out the weapon, which is something that Diana can relate to in a way. The man mouths something to her and when she looks at him questioningly, he motions to her headphones.
"Sorry, what?" She asks him, pausing the music and sliding her headphones down so they sit around her neck.
Charlie shakes his head. "Are you okay? You never usually look that exhausted after one of your runs." She has dark circles around her eyes, suggesting that she's barely slept a wink last night and her face is bright red.
Diana nods and walks over to the fridge, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "Uh yeah." The girl replies unsurely before drinking straight out of the orange juice carton. "I just did a couple of extra laps."
"How many?" Charlie quirks his eyebrow up in surprise. Even professional athletes would struggle completing a lap around the entire border of the town. There aren't many houses, especially compared to a city, but with the deep forests the town spans out for miles.
The blonde shrugs. "I don't know, six? Seven?" She tells him as if it was nothing. The prophetic dream has really put her on edge and the constant eerie feeling in her gut really isn't helping. "I kind of lost count after the second one."
"Is this because of our talk yesterday?" Charlie asks her, worried that she may feel a little regretful about telling him. He's glad that she told him something so personal about herself but maybe she needs a little more time to come to terms with it herself. Or maybe she wasn't quite ready to come out yet and he had somehow pressured her into it without knowing.
Diana shakes her head. "No, I'm glad I told you." She quickly corrects him. "I just needed to blow off some steam." Which is the truth, albeit not all of it.
The man takes a sip of his coffee. "Alright, well you know you can talk to me about anything, right?" She nods.
Bella comes downstairs, strangely early for it being a weekend. She's dressed up pretty nice, which suggests she's not planning on sticking around the house. "I have a date with Edward." She announces before either of them can say anything.
Charlie appears like he is about to have an aneurysm when he hears this. "He's too old for you."
"We're both juniors." Bella quickly refutes. Which may be true, but she and Diana both know that he is in fact too old for her- although he may not look it. "Besides, I thought you liked the Cullens."
"And I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys in town." Charlie snaps back without even missing a beat.
Diana snorts, clearly he isn't all too happy about the two of them dating. Her expression turns into a more innocent one when Bella shoots her a sharp glare.

𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 [𝟣]
FanfictionIN WHICH diana dies on what is supposed to be a routine patrol, only to be reborn in another universe. OR leah clearwater doesn't realise the love of her life has been by her side the whole time. - hounds of love [1] - completed [51,834 words] oh to...