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Charlie has been pacing around the house all day, nervously waiting for it to be time for them to go pick up Bella from the Airport. He had spent hours trying to fix up his younger daughter's bedroom so that it is perfect for her long awaited arrival. Diana had felt a little bit bad for him as he was clueless to what the brunette actually likes, not that she knows any better, so she had helped him out.

Diana's bedroom is completely the opposite of what they had chosen for Bella. She has a double bed pushed into the corner of the room with black and red, fluffy blankets and a dark wooden frame. Posters cover every inch of her walls of different horror films and rock bands. She has a small walk in wardrobe and a large chest of drawers pushed up against the wall. There's two windows which allow plenty of sunlight for the potted plants sat in front of them. A red, leopard print carpet covers most of the wooden floor and a small desk sits in one of the alcoves and a pull up bar in the other.

Whereas Bella's room is still on the plainer side. Her walls are painted purple, with matching bedsheets, and are completely bare apart from a small bulletin board placed above a desk. Despite the brunette visiting for a month every summer the two sisters have never really grown close. Bella would mostly just hang around the house, only ever leaving when Charlie took them to the diner every Saturday.

The atmosphere became very awkward in the Swan household when the youngest daughter visits so Diana prefers to spend most of her time at the Clearwater's with Leah. Her and Bella have never had any problems with one another but they are more like acquaintances than anything else. Diana actually suspects that Bella likes that she had been adopted by Charlie, as it means that the man isn't spending most of the year alone and relieves some of her guilt for not visiting anywhere near as often as she should.

Bella had actually skipped her visit during the summer just gone, which makes Charlie even more anxious to see her. He is so out of it during his nervous pacing that Diana actually has to tell him that it is time to go. "Everything's going to be fine."

"I'd just like for everything to be perfect, I know that she doesn't really want to come to Forks." He sighs, keeping his eyes focused on the road. "This could also be an opportunity for the two of you to bond." Bella is coming to stay this time, not one of her short visits to the rainy town, so he isn't entirely wrong but the two of them don't really have a lot in common apart from their lack of conversation skills.

"Yeah, maybe." She seriously doubts it but the blonde isn't going to make him feel any worse about the situation than he already does.

When they reach the airport Diana grabs her father's arm and practically drags him all the way to baggage claim. The two of them wait impatiently for the girl to appear and it seems like she is one of the last from the flight to make it to baggage claim. "Bella!" The blonde shouts, waving her over.

"Hey Charlie, Diana." The girl greets them quietly, awkwardly not making eye contact with either of them.

Their father nods stiffly. "Bells."

Diana pulls her sister into a hug, wanting to escape this quickly dying off conversation. "It's so great to see you again." She tells her, giving the girl a pat on the back before pulling them apart.

Bella is shocked by the height difference between the two, as the time time she had visited the two of them had been around the same height- with her only standing an inch or two taller than Diana. Whereas now she is five inches taller than her older sister, standing at 5'4. Which the brunette finds kind of amusing as she had always found the shorter girl to be rather intimidating, and apparently this isn't an unpopular opinion around the small town. "You too."

Most of the car ride was silent, with Diana being the only one trying to start up a conversation whilst the other two giving her short one word answers. When they reach the house her and Charlie bring Bella's bags in, whilst the quiet girl trails in behind them.

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