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Diana is going dress shopping for the dance...again. When she had originally gone with Bella and her friends she hadn't gotten anything for herself under the assumption that she wasn't actually going. Now that Leah has somehow persuaded her to go, although it wasn't actually all that hard for her to do, the slayer has to make yet another trip to Port Angeles. Where she is quite possibly wanted for murder, but she's confident enough in her abilities to know that she has covered her tracks well enough.

She looks at herself in the mirror, somewhat unsatisfied with her appearance. Leah will be here any second now to drive them to the city and Diana is nowhere near ready. For once, the girl is actually trying to make an effort when it comes to her appearance and not just wear whatever is comfortable. However her scruffy, worn combat boots are a nonnegotiable.

A pair of baggy, washed out jeans are held up by her studded leather belt. Her favourite torn band-tee hangs off one shoulder, displaying just a snippet of her lace, black bra. Leah probably isn't even going to notice the extra effort Diana has put into her appearance, which disheartens the girl a little, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't want to look as nice as possible for the taller girl.

The sound of a horn honking outside snaps Diana out of her stupor. She grabs her satchel and runs downstairs. "I'm off now." She calls out to Bella as she passes by her sister's doorway. The blonde gives Leah a wave as she walks down the driveway over to the battered car, playing it casual as if she hasn't just made a mad dash out of the house.

"Hey, Di." Leah greets her as she clambers in the car. It seems Diana isn't the only one who has put a little effort into their appearance for once. Although the reasoning behind it is most likely wildly different. Leah has done so because the two of them are having a nice day out.

"Oo, someone looks nice." Diana coos teasingly as she pinches the girl's cheeks.

Leah is quick to smack the blonde's hand away. "Shut up." She flushes, slightly embarrassed that Diana has picked up on her outfit. The two of them hardly ever go anywhere and mostly spend their time together lounging around on the sofa. "Is it so wrong of me to look like every once in a while?"

"Hey, I'm certainly not complaining." She laughs, raising her hands up in surrender at she receives a sharp glare. Diana wants nothing more than to tell Leah how gorgeous she looks in her outfit. She can barely tear her eyes away from the girl's long, bronze legs in the shorts she is wearing or from the girl's biceps, which flex through her shirt every time she changes gear. However she can't say any of this, because that's just not how their relationship is.

Leah tears her eyes off the road momentarily to glance over at Diana. "Besides, you're not dressed as sloppily as you usually do either." She comments, picking up the fact that the blonde has also made an effort. Although she does frown a little when she finally notices her feet kicked up on the dashboard. "Get your feet down, my parents will kill me if you leave scuff marks on there again."

"Alright, alright." Diana laughs as she removes her boots and places them down on the ground.


"I don't know..." The blonde trails off as she looks at herself in the mirror. She's wearing a black, form fitting dress which undeniably suits her but it isn't really what she's looking for.

Leah huffs and stands next to the shorter girl, adjusting her hair so it sits better on her shoulders. "You've said that about every single one." She laughs at Diana's scrunched up face. "What don't you like about this one?"

Diana looks at the two of them stood next to each other in the mirror. The two of them could not be more different and that's part of why they work so well together, but it's also why she doesn't think that she'll ever have a chance. She savours the feeling of Leah's hands running through her hair as she straightens it out and sighs when the sensation finally stops.

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