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When lunch is almost over, Diana runs to the girl's toilets and splashes some cold water on her face, trying not to feel shaken about the family of vampires that now know what she is. As far as she knows this world doesn't have vampire slayers, so who's to say how much of a threat they will see her as. The Cullen's obviously have some semblance of a soul- otherwise they would be feeding off humans like there's no tomorrow- so there is a chance they can be reasoned with but she isn't prepared to take that chance.

A smile comes to her face as she another one of her weapons tattooed to her arm, her twin daggers this time. Neither she nor the watchers know exactly where they came from, all that she knows is that they are indestructible. She fondly runs her fingers over the ink, thinking about the good times that she has head when using them, which gives her the strength to go about the rest of her day.

By the time school is over the rain has thankfully stopped, but patches of ice and large puddles still remain dotted across the car park. Both Bella and Diana are half convinced that they are going to freeze to death as they leave the building. "Charlie's probably not going to come home for a while since he has a big case, are you sure you're okay with me heading over to Leah's?" The blonde asks her sister.

"Yeah." Bella replies quietly, rubbing her hands up and down her biceps to try and warm up a little as she makes a mad dash over to the truck.

Diana stands in front of the school doors, waiting to see her sister safely get into her truck. She doesn't miss the way Edward is staring at her, his whole body is tense as he looks at her with a strange expression on his face. At first it appears as though he is merely curious about the new girl, just like everyone is, but there's more to it. It's an odd mixture of hunger and curiosity.

The slayer's stomach drops when she hears the screeching of tires against the icy concrete, the noises only growing louder with every second that passes. A can skids across the car park, and it's heading directly for her sister. Without even a second thought, Diana races over to Bella and leaps over the truck bed.

It's appears that someone has the same idea because just as she lands right in front of Bella, a flash of copper wraps itself around the brunette, ready to protect her from the brunt of the crash. The girl doesn't even know what's happening as the van slams into both her older sister's back and the boy's outstretched hand, before halting from the force. Bella's eyes widen, seeing not one but two people shielding her from the truck. Two people who hadn't been anywhere near her only moments ago.

"Bella, are you okay?" Diana asks worriedly, as Edward flees from the scene at a human pace. She helps the younger girl off the ground and checks her over for any injuries but it appears as though she is completely unscathed.

The brunette looks around, still disoriented from what has just happened. "Yeah. I'm-" She stops talking momentarily, seeing the two indents in the car. One is small and looks an awful lot like a handprint, the other is much bigger and the cause of it is much less obvious, but if she looks closely Bella can almost make out the shape of a person. "...fine."

Diana turns to face the driver of the van, which happens to be Tyler- a student that she has never been particularly fond of and is even less keen on now. He's unconscious at the wheel and has blood trickling down his forehead. Everyone from the car park has now surrounded the two vehicles and thankful someone has already called for an ambulance. "I'm going to go check on Tyler." She tells Bella.

"Wait." The brunette says, grabbing her sister's shoulder once she turns around.

Despite Diana's best efforts, she isn't able to disguise the wince that escapes her throat. "Ahh." She hisses, causing Bella to quickly release her shoulder.

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