"Let me get a good look at you." Sue tells Diana as soon as she enters the Clearwater home. She's perched on a kitchen stool right beside the back door, as if she has been waiting for the girl to arrive. Diana opens her mouth to resist but with one stern glance from the woman she quickly backs down. The woman's hands grab her face as she checks over the girl for any injuries. "We were so worried when Charlie told us that you'd been in a car accident."
The blonde smacks Sue's hands away from her face gently, with a small smile. "Oh please, it'll take a lot more than a van to take me down." She jokes.
Harry clears his throat from the living room, making his presence known as he walks into the kitchen. "I don't doubt it." He says dryly, placing his news paper on the counter and opening up the fridge. "Here, kid." He holds out his hand, which has a can of diet coke clutched in it, over in her direction.
"Just what I needed." Diana says, heading up the stairs.
Sue laughs. "Leah isn't up there." She tells the girl, her laughter increasing in volume when Diana trudges back down the stairs. The woman nods her head over to the window just above the sink, from which the three of them can see the girl sat right on the very edge of the forest. "I presume I'll be seeing you again tomorrow."
"Would you have it any other way?" Diana snorts, waving the woman goodbye as she leaves the house to go work her shift at the hospital. Silently, Diana creeps up behind Leah as she sketches the woodland onto her pad. Even from behind, the blonde can tell that she's in deep concentration judging by the tenseness in her form. "Boo!"
The pad and pencil go flying up into the air as Leah leaps back in fear from the sudden noise. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" She scolds her friend, giving her a good hard whack on the arm.
"Sorry." Diana apologises but the both of them know that she doesn't mean it in the slightest. She perches herself down on the ground next to Leah and gives her a wide grin.
Leah rolls her eyes and collects up her pad and pencils that are scattered around them. "I wish that van had finished you off for good." She says dryly, giving the shorter girl an unimpressed look.
The blonde gasps, holding her hand over her heart. "I could have died." She replies, completely aghast with what Leah has just said.
"Oh, if only." Leah snorts, the two of them then bursting into a fit of giggles. As they quieten down, she leans her head on top of Diana's and pulls her into a tight hug. "I'm glad you're okay, really. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Diana shakes her head. "As if I'd die and leave you to mope by yourself." She says, as if she's doing the girl a favour by not dying. Diana raises her fists and starts punching the air in front of her. "That van better watch out because next time it won't get off so lightly."
"You're such an idiot." Leah tells her, watching the girl beat up an invisible enemy.
Diana nods slowly, giving her friend a wide grin. "I know." She says quietly. "But you love me anyway."
"Yeah, I suppose I do." Leah whispers. Her voice is so soft and quiet when she spoke that Diana almost misses it but due to her enhanced hearing she manages to pick up on the girl's words.
The blonde can't help but wonder if she meant it in the way she wants her to, or if it is the purely platonic love that she has felt for her since the two of them had met. Leah has never shown any interest in women, from the moment the two of them were old enough to date, she had always spoken about her crushes on boys. After she had broken up with Sam, the taller girl had never spoken about dating again and Diana had never wanted to bring it up.
Could Diana ever have a chance with her, or is she doomed to be just another idiot that has fallen for a straight woman? In her past life she had made that mistake a few times before she had learnt her lesson, or so she thought she did. There's just something so special about Leah, something so unique about her. She feels like an idiot for even thinking it, but it feels like there's some kind of magnetic force pulling the two of them together. She had felt it when they first met and that feeling had never once disappeared. Like the universe has somehow brought them together. However Leah had never once hinted at feeling the same way about her.

𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 [𝟣]
FanfictionIN WHICH diana dies on what is supposed to be a routine patrol, only to be reborn in another universe. OR leah clearwater doesn't realise the love of her life has been by her side the whole time. - hounds of love [1] - completed [51,834 words] oh to...