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Practically half of the restaurant is staring at the two girls' table as all of the food is being delivered. Even more people start staring when they realise the it's Diana who's eating the lion's share of the food. She's mostly done with her meal when Leah had finished as to not make the girl wait too long. Although the blonde senses that she's somewhat enjoying the spectacle of it all.

"Oh." Diana groans, half tempted to unbutton her jeans, however Leah would surely murder her if she did that. "I don't think I'm ever going to eat again."

Leah snorts in amusement, after all this is what she says every time and come dinner she always eats plenty. "If you say so." She replies, making it obvious that she doesn't believe the blonde in the slightest. "Are you ready to go?"

"I don't know, you might have to roll me out of here." Diana groans.

"Shut up." Leah jabs her elbow in the slayer's side before the both of them collect there things and walk up to the counter to pay for their meal- or meals in Diana's case. "What are you doing?"

The blonde shrugs as she hands the waiter a large amount of cash- which is more than enough for both of their meals combined. "What?" She asks in response.

"You don't have to pay for mine too." Leah tells her, the tips of her ears turning red.

Diana shakes her head. "Don't worry about it, the only reason we're in Port Angeles is buy me something to wear to the dance- think of this as a thank you." She insists, not wanting to hear another word about it. The two of them don't get out much, so is it so wrong for her to pay for Leah's meal? Besides, she doesn't mind in the slightest. She wants to treat Leah to all kinds of things.

As they turn to leave, the waiter clears his throat. "I'm sorry if this is too forward, but would I be able to get your number?" His cheeks are a shade of scarlet, suggesting that this isn't the type of thing he does often. The man's fingers fiddle around with the pad in his hands as he waits for her to reply.

"Who's? Mine?" Leah asks in surprise as she makes eye contact with him. Her cheeks turn equally as red as the waiters- no one has asked her out like this since Sam. Most of the guys on the Rez are terrified of her because of how much of a mood that she's always in.

Diana clenches her fist angrily upon hearing this. It isn't her place to intervene in Leah's love life, no matter how much she wishes to. The thought of the woman spending her time with someone else is enough to drive her insane. When she was going out with Sam, they only saw each other half as much as they do now. It hurt to see it happen but she never once voiced how much it affected her.

However, Leah is beautiful. Inside and out, why wouldn't someone want to go out with her? Anyone would by lucky to find themselves on the receiving side of her love.

"Sorry, I'm not looking for anyone right now." Leah finally replies. She glances over at her friend, who has an incredibly sour expression on her face as she looks the man up and down.

The man tilts his head. "Oh, are you seeing someone?" He asks her. "Because I can-"

Diana uncrosses her arms and slides one around Leah's waist. "You can what?" She sends a sharp glare to the man, who grows nervous under her stern gaze. When he doesn't reply, she tuts.

"Let's go, Di." The taller girl says, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. She pulls her friend out of the restaurant. "Thanks." Leah flushes as they walk down the street. He didn't seem like he was going to drop the topic anytime soon so she's grateful for Diana's intervention. She really is no man's peace.

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