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"Hey dad." Diana greets Charlie as she skips down the stairs. He responds with a muffled 'hello' as he bites into his toast. She's wearing one of Leah's large, black hoodies over a form fitting, white tank top and her favourite pair of black flared jeans. On her feet she has on her usual chunky, black combat boots that have a steel toe in them. "Are we still on for dinner tonight?" She asks noticing that he is wearing his uniform.

It's Saturday, a day which he usually has off. Most Saturdays the two of them head over to the diner and devour a giant burger each. They had been doing it ever since Diana had moved in and neither of them plan on stopping anytime soon. "Of course." He tells her. "Just need to head into work for a couple of hours, will you be okay?"

"As long as the crack I'm planning on smoking isn't laced with anything, I'll be right as rain." She drawls sarcastically, shoving a couple of slices of bread into the toaster and turning to face him with a wide grin.

Charlie frowns at her, standing up from his sit and whacking her over the head with his rolled up newspaper. "You know I hate it when you say things like that."

"Yeah, but you love me so much you put up with it." Diana chuckles, giving him a small hug before shoving him out of the house when he gives her a hesitant glance. "I'll be fine." She insists, giving him one last wave as he climbs into his car.

It has been a couple of months since the Cullens had moved to Forks and as of yet no one has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, which is a good sign. They still hadn't confronted her about what happened with Emmett on their first day, but she hadn't missed them constantly staring at her. Waiting for her to make a move, which she never does or will ever do unless they hurt someone.

The landline's ringtone echoes throughout the entire house, causing her to pick up the phone. "Hello?" Nobody speaks on the other side of the line but sniffles can be heard- like someone was crying. "Leah, is that you?" The blonde asks, somewhat recognising the noises.

"Diana..." The girl weeps down the phone. She tries to continue her sentence but the cries grow louder when she tries to speak.

Diana shakes her head, despite knowing full well that Leah can't see her. "I'm on my way." She slams the phone down and quickly scribbles down a note for Charlie in case he gets home before she does. The slayer runs at full speed down her street, not caring about who sees her, and makes it to the Clearwater residence in record time.

The door almost falls off its hinges as she slams it open, not focused enough to fully control her strength. Harry is sat on the sofa in the living room, a conflicted expression on his face as he gives the girl a nod as she dashes up the stairs. Leah's cries grow louder as she approaches the girl's room. The taller girl is wrapped up in her mum's arms, whilst Seth sits at the end of the bed with a comforting hand placed on her ankle. "What happened?"

Leah holds her arms out and Diana crawls onto the bed next to her, pulling her into a tight hug. The taller girl rests her head on the blonde's chest, whilst she strokes her hair gently. "Sam broke up with me." Leah finally says, her voice is croaky.

The soft look on Diana's face instantly disappears, being replaced by a furious one. "He what?" She spits, almost unable to believe it. The blonde had spent hours hoping that the two of them would break up, believing that Leah has always been far too good for him. But for him to break up with her? How could he ever dream of dumping someone like her?

"Apparently he's head over heels for Emily now." Leah whispers, utterly humiliated and heartbroken by this chain of events.

Diana freezes. "Emily, Emily? As in your cousin Emily?" The brunette neither confirms nor denies this, but receives a reluctant nod from Sue. "That bastard, I'm going to kill him- and her for that matter." The slayer says through gritted teeth, causing both Sue and Seth to flinch slightly at the furious expression on her face.

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