(Introduction) Part - 1

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Pentagram City, a city filled with sinners who had their chance to go to heaven but messed it up. Among these sinners was (Y/N), who had spent so much time in hell that they'd forgotten who they used to be in the mortal realm. For the most part, (Y/N) looked pretty human, a clear reminder of what they hated the most. To conceal their appearance from unwanted attention, they wore a thick black trench coat, baggy black cargo pants, a dark blue scarf, and a worn-out black fedora. Though (Y/N)'s eyes were still visible, the shade from the fedora obscured any facial features. Despite forgetting their past identity, (Y/N) knew their strengths. They had many nicknames, but the one they were most known by was "The Eavesdropper." (Y/N) was practically the go-to sinner for information. Whether you needed intel on an overlord or another sinner, you paid a price depending on who it was, and (Y/N) would provide it. But (Y/N) wasn't just a skilled magical eavesdropper; they were also a proficient fighter. Armed with a pistol forged from angelic scrap, a payment received for their services, (Y/N) excelled in disarming and engaging in hand-to-hand combat with other sinners. However, they always avoided drawing attention from the exterminators. Many powerful overlords secretly hired and relied on (Y/N) for information, which eventually caught the attention of Vox. Following Sir Pentious's failure, Vox enlisted (Y/N) to infiltrate the new "Redemption Hotel," also known as the "Hazbin Hotel," to gather intel on Alastor and potential vulnerabilities of the hotel. As (Y/N) prepared to enter the hotel, they suddenly found themselves teleported elsewhere. Confused, they looked around and saw Lucifer seated on a wooden chair behind them.

Lucifer: "How nice of you to stop by, (Y/N)!" Lucifer exclaimed with excitement as (Y/N) turned round to look at him.

(Y/N): "L-Lucifer... What do you need from my services again?" (Y/N) stammered, a hint of apprehension in their voice.

Lucifer: "Ah, well, you know, I sensed you about to enter just as I finished telling my sweet daughter I'd arrange a physical meeting with the angels in heaven!" Lucifer replied, his tone filled with anticipation.

(Y/N): "H-Heaven, my lord?" (Y/N) questioned, their disbelief evident in their voice.

Lucifer: "Ha, no need for formalities, my friend! However, I do require your services once again."

(Y/N) stood there, puzzled. He had been teleported out of the blue, and now Lucifer himself was requesting his services. Sure, he was already on a mission, but this was his chance to learn more about Lucifer himself, or so he thought...

Lucifer: "My daughter is about to have a physical meeting in heaven with the other angels to discuss the idea of redemption. While I trust she'll be okay, I want someone I can trust to watch over her and ensure her safety."

(Y/N)'s face showed nothing but shock.

(Y/N): "Y-you trust me... Lucifer?"

Lucifer: "Bingo! I believe you're the perfect candidate to travel between heaven and hell, maintaining the delicate balance of power."

(Y/N): "I... What..."Lucifer: "I know you don't do what you do for money or power; you do it because you love it. You also don't care if you're in heaven or hell, which makes you the perfect candidate."

(Y/N) stood there in silence. Lucifer had a point, but (Y/N) was actually hesitant to go to heaven.

Lucifer: "Heaven has always wanted an inside agent. The problem is, every time they send someone from heaven, they end up missing or dead on the first day. You, on the other hand, are a sinner. Sure, it may not be exactly clean by 'heaven's standards,' but you're exactly what they want, and you're exactly what I need."

(Y/N): "..."

"What are my objectives, Lucifer?"

Lucifer: "Well, that's pretty easy. You'll rotate every other week, taking orders from Sera and me. You will separately give us a debriefing on each other's situation or any major developments. Of course, there will be some areas you aren't allowed to cover or look into, but it's essentially what you do, just on a higher level and with rules..."

(Y/N): "What are the rules?"

Lucifer: "Well, for one, you cannot divulge this information to anyone else, no matter what. From here on out, you will only report to Sera or me."

(Y/N) paused for a moment. Their whole nickname was "The Eavesdropper." They would have to finally give up that name if they wanted this opportunity. In their eyes, it was worth it; this was their chance for an official job that would allow them to go to two separate places and do their job effectively.

Lucifer: "The second rule is that you cannot engage in combat or any action unless it is deemed necessary for your duties."

(Y/N) nodded. They had always avoided combat when possible anyway.Lucifer: "And finally, you will not form any intimate relationships with anyone in heaven..."

(Y/N) scoffed at the idea and even chuckled slightly.

Lucifer: "The penalties for breaching any of these rules or any other current laws in both realms are swift and painful death."

(Y/N) nodded in understanding.

Lucifer: "Great! I'll be sure to forward this to Sera right away. I'm sure she would appreciate this hidden plan that benefits both of us. But for your first objective... watch over my daughter, Charlie."

Lucifer then summoned a photo of Charlie and handed it to (Y/N)

Lucifer: "I'll make sure you have the proper paperwork and plans for the portals for you to enter and leave."

Lucifer would pause for a moment

Lucifer: "Any further questions?"

(Y/N): "I'll do it... but I do have a question. What's with the third rule? It seems rather pointless..."

Lucifer: "Well, most of these rules were written by the higher-ups of Heaven in case of a situation like this. I just happen to know about it because they informed me, but yes, I don't really know... perhaps to keep heaven pure from sinners," Lucifer said mockingly.

(Y/N): "I see... When do I start?"

Lucifer: "Right away! My daughter will be going to heaven fairly soon, perhaps tomorrow, so the earlier, the better!"

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