(Meeting Lute...) Part - 3

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(Y/N) had recently learned that Adam had threatened to target the Hotel. He had also learned the full story from inside the courthouse: Vaggie was an exterminator...? Nobody even knew about the exterminations? It puzzled (Y/N)...

(Y/N): "This could turn out pretty bad if they actually attack the hotel... shit..."

Adjusting their coat, (Y/N) begins their mission to keep a watch on Adam and Lute. They start by following them as they stroll through a beautiful park, untouched by Hell, even taking a moment to gaze at the flowers and trees.

(Y/N): "I need to focus, damn it..."

Suddenly, Adam and Lute stop as Adam begins to talk with a group of other angels. (Y/N) can see Adam shoo off Lute as he walks with the group, while Lute walks away from them and towards (Y/N)'s direction with a stern, mildly pissed-off face. (Y/N) can hear her distant rambling.

Lute: "Fucking... what do you mean by 'RELAX and take a hike'?"

For the first time, (Y/N) sees her face up close as she passes by him...after she fully walks past (Y/N) whispers under his breath...

(Y/N): "She's... she's... such a bitch... I can already tell from her damn attitude and face..."

(Y/N) would pause for a moment, considering his options.

(Y/N): "I should trail Adam though, seems like he's the bigger issue here..."

Before (Y/N) could even take a step, he'd hear a shout from behind him.

Lute: "HEY!"

Turning around, (Y/N) sees Lute walking at a fast pace towards him, her expression filled with a glare.

Lute: "Something's off about you... you don't look like you're from around here..."

Lute's sharp observation lingers in the air, casting a shadow over (Y/N)'s plans. Despite his best efforts to maintain a low profile, it seems that his cover may have been compromised. (Y/N) racks his brain for a plausible explanation, his mind racing to come up with a convincing response.

(Y/N): "What do you mean..."

Lute would look at him for a little longer in complete silence before answering.

Lute: "It's suspicious you don't have your wings out..."

(Y/N): "Well... I prefer the old-fashioned walk through the parks without the wings out, ya know?"

He hopes his casual reply will be enough to appease Lute's suspicions, but the exorcist angel continues to scrutinize him with a penetrating gaze. The tension hangs thick in the air as (Y/N) waits anxiously for her response, his heart pounding in his chest.

Lute would then scoff and continue walking back towards the direction where Adam is, slowly trailing him, her focus never wavering from the mission at hand. Despite the brief interruption, she remains determined to keep an eye on Adam and ensure that whatever suspicious activities he might be up to are duly noted. With a steely resolve, she strides forward, her attention fully fixed on the task ahead.

(Y/N) paused for a moment, admiring how focused this exorcist angel was, her unwavering determination evident in every step she took. But then, shaking off the momentary distraction, (Y/N) refocused on the task at hand.

(Y/N): "Damn it, this is going to be hard to even watch them now..."

As he watches Lute stride purposefully ahead, (Y/N) can't help but feel a sense of admiration for her dedication to the mission. However, he knows that her vigilance poses a significant challenge to his own objectives. With Adam and Lute now aware of his presence, keeping a covert watch on their movements will require even more careful planning and precision.

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