(Meeting Emily) Part - 9

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(Y/N) reentered their office, still mulling over their recent encounter with Lute at the park again. Settling into their chair, they found solace in the soft glow of the lamp that bathed the room in a warm light. Leaning back, they sighed heavily, the weight of uncertainty and unease pressing down on them.

Their fingers tapped absently on the desk, their thoughts swirling with a flurry of questions and suspicions. Despite their efforts to rationalize the encounter, a persistent sense of foreboding gnawed at the edges of their consciousness.

"Lute... Why do our paths always seem to cross?" they muttered to themselves, a flicker of determination glinting in their eyes

With a nod, they reached for their notebook, opening it to a fresh page...

But as they stared at the blank page, their thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind, overwhelmed by the enormity of the task before them. With a frustrated sigh, they closed the notebook, sinking back into their chair as their thoughts drifted back to the encounter in the park.

Before (Y/N) could gather their thoughts or delve deeper into their concerns, a sharp knock echoed through the room, jolting them from their reverie. Startled, they straightened in their seat, their heart racing with anticipation. They instinctively assumed it was Sera, their mind racing through possible reasons for her visit.

(Y/N) stuttered slightly, their voice betraying their nerves as they called out, "Y-Yeah?" They hesitated, uncertain of who might be on the other side of the door.

To their surprise, the door creaked open to reveal a young Seraphim angel—it was Emily, Sera's sister. Her eyes sparkled with warmth as she met (Y/N)'s gaze, her expression one of genuine friendliness.

"Hello there!" she greeted cheerfully, stepping into the room with an air of excitement. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. I just wanted to stop by and say hello!"

As (Y/N) took in her appearance, they couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth emanating from her presence. Despite their initial surprise, they found themselves drawn to her demeanor and friendly disposition.

(Y/N) also mentally cursed as Emily entered the room. "Damn it... Sera told me to avoid her... I..."

As (Y/N) attempted to gather their thoughts, Emily ventured further into the office, her gaze sweeping over the space with evident curiosity.

Emily: "Wow!, I didn't expect to find anyone here!" she exclaimed with genuine surprise, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's my office... Sera assigned it to me," (Y/N) responded, their tone guarded as they attempted to maintain a polite façade.

Internally, (Y/N) couldn't shake the warning Sera had given them about interacting with Emily, prompting a sense of urgency to distance themselves from the situation.

(Y/N) nervously shifted in their seat, their mind racing with apprehension. 'S-Sera's gonna kill me if she finds out I'm talking with her sister!' They could already imagine Sera's stern reprimand and the disappointment in her eyes. Yet, despite their inner turmoil, they couldn't bring themselves to push Emily away. She was just too... welcoming.

Emily beamed with enthusiasm as she introduced herself, her voice bubbling with energy. "Oh, cool! I'm Emily, by the way, but you can call me Em or Emmy! I'm Sera's sister," she said with a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

(Y/N) shifted uncomfortably in their seat, their nerves getting the best of them. "Uh, yeah, I figured," they replied awkwardly, their gaze shifting uneasily. "I'm... (Y/N). Sera mentioned you."

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