(Clash of Shadows) Part - 22

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(Y/N) attempted to catch their breath as the pain in their chest worsened. They could hear Lute and Vaggie engaging in a fierce fight. Peeking from behind the counter, they saw Lute gaining the upper hand, her relentless attacks overwhelming Vaggie. "Sh-shit..." (Y/N) muttered, gripping their pistol tightly. They knew they had to act now, or else Vaggie might not survive.

"D-Damn it..." they cursed under their breath, steeling themselves for the confrontation. Summoning every ounce of strength, they prepared to face Lute in a stand-off

(Y/N) gripped their pistol and got out from cover. "LUTE!" (Y/N) shouted.

Lute turned her head to face (Y/N), still holding Vaggie by the neck, ready to deliver another punch. Her LED mask displayed a distorted, unreadable expression. As (Y/N) and Lute stared at each other, the world seemed to stop for a brief moment. The chaos of battle faded into the background, leaving only a tense, silent standoff.

Finally, (Y/N) broke the silence. "I-I need you to drop Vaggie... now." Though (Y/N) had their gun out, they weren't pointing it at Lute, they held it by their side. Lute, however, didn't move, remaining still and still holding onto Vaggie. 

She finally spoke in a low tone. "(Y/N)," she said, then tossed Vaggie aside, leaving her to recover from Lute's attacks. "What are you doing here?" Lute's tone was serious, her LED mask unchanging.

"I... I wanted to tell you... I should've told you, but... I..." (Y/N) struggled to find the words. "I was sent by Lucifer and Sera on an agreement to help keep the balance of the two realms in check. I never cared about anything more than getting the job done, so they chose me...."

Lute remained quiet, her LED mask displaying the same extermination grin but flickering ever so slightly.

(Y/N) continued, their voice heavy with regret. "I'm... I'm a Sinner, Lute... but I—"

Before they could finish, Lute's voice cut through the air, sharp and cold. "A Sinner..." she repeated. 

There was a long pause after she repeated that... the silence was deafening despite the battle ambiance in the background.

Then she spoke, shattering the silence...

"...so you played all of Heaven and me... fake expressions and fake talks... fake façade. It was all just about the mission, wasn't it? You never cared about any of it. It was just a means to get closer to your goal." Lute's tone remained serious as she slowly walked to her blade stuck in a nearby wall from her earlier attack on Vaggie.

"It wasn't like that, Lute... I... I realized there was more to it than that... I-" (Y/N) began, but Lute swiftly pulled her blade from the wall, her hand twitching ever so slightly.

"YOU..." Lute responded, her voice filled with venom, her grip on the hilt of her sword tightening.

"Lute, just... please listen. It wasn't a lie... it wasn't a fake façade... I can explain all of it-" (Y/N) tried to explain, but Lute cut them off again.

"Then I have to focus on my mission too... same as you... to exterminate... you...SINNERS!" 

She dashed and flew towards (Y/N) at such great speed that when (Y/N) quickly dodged, the bottles from the bar counter shattered. The sound of shattering glass filled the room as Lute's sword got stuck in the wall again, splitting the wall in two.

But it didn't stop there. Lute quickly turned and dashed towards (Y/N), punching them in the gut and throwing them across the room. "YOU!" Lute screamed.

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