(Heaven to Hell) Part - 18

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As (Y/N) stepped into the portal, they were immediately engulfed by the familiar chaos of Hell. The air was thick with the scent of sulfur, and the distant sounds of screaming and gunfire echoed through the alley.

It was a stark contrast to the tranquility of Heaven, a reminder of the harsh reality they had returned to.

"Once again, back to this," (Y/N) muttered to themselves, their voice tinged with resignation. They glanced around at the littered alley, the remnants of the dark underworld strewn about carelessly. Despite the desolation, there was a strange sense of familiarity, a feeling of being back home.

With a heavy heart, (Y/N) looked up at the clocktower looming overhead, its imposing presence a constant reminder of the impending extermination. They knew they had only a short time before the chaos escalated further, before the exorcists descended upon the streets.

(Y/N) pondered their options, considering whether to wait out the storm or venture out into the fray. They couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at their insides, the uncertainty of what lay ahead weighing heavily on their mind.

But amidst the turmoil, there was a nagging feeling pulling at (Y/N), urging them to seek out the Hazbin Hotel. It wasn't fear that drove them, but a deep-seated need to confront the truth, to face Lute and finally lay their feelings bare.

"I'm not scared of confronting her," (Y/N) affirmed to themselves, their voice laced with determination. They knew that avoiding the inevitable would only prolong the pain, prolong the agony of uncertainty.

Yet, as they made their way through the littered alley, doubts crept into (Y/N)'s mind. They couldn't deny the fear that gripped them, the fear of what lay ahead, of what truths awaited them at the Hazbin Hotel.

"I can't just face her like this," (Y/N) admitted, their voice barely above a whisper. The thought of confronting Lute, of baring their soul to her, filled them with a sense of vulnerability they had never known.

But as they walked through the chaotic streets of Hell, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder about the chances of returning to Heaven again. They had completed their duties, fulfilled their obligations, but would they ever be needed again?

(Y/N) paused in their steps, a sense of determination rising within them despite the overwhelming uncertainty. "No... I have to confront her here," they whispered to themselves, their voice firm with resolve. "I won't get another chance to talk to Lute... I have to lay it all down tomorrow when the extermination occurs..."

As they looked around at the grim surroundings of Hell, filled with trash, blood, and other sinners, (Y/N) clenched their fists, feeling the weight of their decision pressing down on them. The chaotic streets seemed to mirror the turmoil within their own heart, reflecting the inner conflict they grappled with.

"I have to go to the Hazbin Hotel," (Y/N) declared, their voice echoing through the desolate alleyway.

"I can't keep avoiding the truth like this. If this is truly my last opportunity to see Lute, I have to seize it. I need to confront her at the Hotel when they attack. I have to prevent her from causing more harm, especially to someone who's trying to make a difference. Even if it's a grim setting to confront her in hell, this might be my final chance to set things right."

As they walked, (Y/N) couldn't shake the nagging sense of doubt that gnawed at their resolve. What if their confrontation with Lute only led to more pain and heartache? What if they were unable to find the words to express the depth of their feelings?

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained clear in (Y/N)'s mind: they couldn't continue to live in fear of the truth any longer. The time for hiding behind excuses and half-truths was over. It was time to confront their feelings head-on, to lay bare their soul and face the consequences, whatever they may be.

With each step, (Y/N) drew closer to the Hazbin Hotel, the looming structure a beacon of both hope and dread in the desolate landscape of Hell. 

"No turning back now," (Y/N) whispered to themselves, their voice barely audible above the din of the chaotic streets. 

As they approached the entrance, they took a deep breath, steeling themselves for the confrontation that awaited them within.

(Y/N) approached the entrance of the Hazbin Hotel, they were met with a surprising sight. An army stood ready outside, comprised of cannibals from Cannibal Town armed with angelic weapons. (Y/N) paused, taking in the unexpected scene unfolding before them.

"Did Charlie manage to unite them for a common cause?" they muttered to themselves, their mind racing with questions. The sheer firepower of the assembled group raised further suspicions. "And where did they acquire those weapons? Could Carmine be involved?"

Despite the uncertainty swirling in their mind, (Y/N) pressed on towards the entrance of the hotel. As they walked, they overheard snippets of conversation among the gathered sinners.

"I can't wait to taste exorcist flesh!" one voice exclaimed eagerly.

Listening in, (Y/N) pieced together the arrangement that had brought the cannibals into the fold. "So that's the deal that brought in the cannibals," they murmured to themselves, a mix of apprehension and curiosity clouding their thoughts.

Finally, (Y/N) reached the front door of the Hazbin Hotel, preparing themselves for what was inside

As (Y/N) pushed open the door, a sense of foreboding washed over them as they were confronted by a looming figure in the doorway. A silhouette, dark as night appeared then took shape before them, sending shivers down their spine.

"A-Alastor?" (Y/N) stammered, their voice barely above a whisper, uncertainty coursing through their veins.

Alastor: "Now, now, where's our manners, (Y/N)?" Alastor's voice dripped with amusement as he blocked the doorway, his trademark grin stretching from ear to ear.

(Y/N) felt a mixture of surprise and apprehension at the unexpected encounter. "I haven't seen you for 7 years..." they trailed off, their gaze meeting Alastor's piercing eyes.

Alastor chuckled softly, the sound sending a chill down (Y/N)'s spine. "Ha ha, my friend," he replied, leaning forward slightly. "I thought you'd disappeared too..."

(Y/N): "Yeah well, I had some... business to attend to..." Their voice faltered for a moment as they studied Alastor's ever-widening smile. "Well, Alastor, I have to speak with Charlie and Vaggie. I must be here for Extermination day..."

Alastor's grin widened even further, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "My dear friend, haven't you heard? The main bloodshed will occur here," he chuckled softly, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. "It's not like you to rush towards the fray."

(Y/N) met Alastor's gaze with determination, their resolve unwavering. "Yes, well, I have to do this," they replied firmly, their voice tinged with determination.

Alastor's grin softened, a glint of admiration in his eyes as he regarded (Y/N). "Well, well, I do say something about you has changed since we last met," he mused, his tone contemplative. "Very well, Charlie and the others are quite busy planning the defense. Make yourself at home, (Y/N)."With a flourish, Alastor stepped aside, allowing (Y/N) to enter the Hazbin Hotel.

As (Y/N) stepped into the Hazbin Hotel, they couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Alastor, a question lingering on their lips.

(Y/N): "I'm surprised to see you holding your ground here too," they remarked casually as they made their way further into the room.

Alastor's chuckle echoed through the air, his voice carrying an enigmatic tone.

Alastor: "Let's just say I'm here for my own reasons," he replied, his grin widening as he spoke.

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