(Clash of Realms) Part - 21

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(Y/N) stood among the assembled defenders, the angelic pistol feeling both foreign and familiar in their hand. The weight of their mission, the hope to settle things with Lute, and the reality of the coming battle pressed heavily on their shoulders.

From their vantage point, (Y/N) could see Charlie moving through the crowd, her presence a beacon of hope and reassurance. She was offering words of encouragement, her radiant smile doing much to buoy the spirits of those around her, but as she stood still and looked up at the portal where the exorcists would be flying in, her face was determined and serious. Vaggie was never far from her side, her spear at the ready and her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the enemy.

Suddenly, the air began to fill with an army of flying exorcists approaching the hotel. From afar, it looked like a formation of birds incoming at an alarming rate. As they closed the distance, Charlie yelled, "LET'S FUCK THEM UP!" The defenders, fueled by her rallying cry, surged forward to meet the attack. (Y/N) gripped their pistol and began running towards the fight. "Here we go..." they muttered to themselves.

Alastor, standing atop the roof of the hotel, had begun to weave his protective shield. His voice echoed through the airwaves, "Let the slaughter begin..." It was a haunting melody that both soothed and unsettled. His eyes gleamed with excitement, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he relished the chaos to come. As he laughed, the shield came to life, its dark color with a dark green aura surrounding the hotel. Many exorcists face-planted as they flew at high speed into the shield, while some were cut off and stuck inside, forced to fight the sinner army without reinforcements.

(Y/N) looked up and beyond the group of exorcists trying to break through the shield. Their heart pounded in their chest as they saw an exorcist flying in place next to Adam. With their mask on and their sword drawn, it was clear it was Lute. She was here at the battle, side by side with Adam, as she had said she would be many months earlier. From afar (Y/N) blended in with the crowd as they kept charging into the fray. "Lute..." they muttered to themselves before their focus was broken by the battle. An exorcist had landed next to (Y/N) and began stabbing the cannibal sinner who had been charging beside them. Thinking fast, (Y/N) pointed their pistol at the exorcist. The exorcist's head turned to face (Y/N). They pulled the trigger and shot the exorcist in the face, sending them recoiling back.

(Y/N) panted, breath coming in short gasps, and looked around. All the sinners seemed to be engaged in battle now. They turned to look for Vaggie but saw no sign of them amidst the chaos. The cacophony of battle surrounded them, screams and clashes of weapons filling the air.

Determined, (Y/N) fought their way through the chaos, their mind focused on finding Lute. They dodged a swipe from an exorcist's sword and countered with a shot to their chest. Bodies fell around them, both sinner and exorcist, as the fight raged on. The ground was slick with blood, and the air was thick with the scent of ozone and death.

(Y/N) ducked behind fallen rubble to catch their breath, their thoughts racing. They needed to find Lute, but they also needed to survive this battle. The exorcists were relentless, their training and discipline evident in their every move.

Peeking out from behind the rubble, (Y/N) saw Vaggie engaging in a fierce battle with an exorcist, her spear flashing with deadly precision. Charlie was nearby, using a shield and covering Vaggie's flank.

(Y/N) pressed forward through the chaotic battlefield, their senses heightened and their heart pounding. The sounds of clashing weapons and cries of pain filled the air, but (Y/N) focused on one goal: finding Lute.

They dodged an exorcist's attack, firing their pistol with precision and downing another foe. Each step felt like a battle against the tide, but (Y/N) pushed on, driven by a mixture of determination and desperation.

As (Y/N) continued in the battle, they looked up to see the shield had been shattered, and Adam along with the rest of the Exorcists began flying in. They watched as Adam confronted Alastor on the roof. "Ah shit...Alastor," (Y/N) muttered to themselves.

Their concentration was broken when an exorcist's blunt weapon sent (Y/N) flying, their pistol skidding into the chaotic battlefield. (Y/N) quickly picked themselves up and wiped their nose. They locked eyes with the blood-covered exorcist who had struck them and saw the enemy moving to bash them again. Dodging the attack, (Y/N) leaped for their pistol, snatching it from the ground and firing at the exorcist as they came back for another strike. (Y/N) panted and looked up, seeing more exorcists incoming and Adam flying down from the rooftops, ready to bomb the battlefield with his hands.

"Fuck...Alastor..." (Y/N) assumed the worst, thinking Alastor had died fighting Adam on the rooftops. "Damn it!" (Y/N) ran for cover as Adam and the exorcists began to turn the tide of battle. Just as they moved for cover, they were sent flying by one of Adam's blasts.

(Y/N) stirred, trying to regain their stance from the shellshock. They stumbled toward the entrance of the hotel and collapsed on the floor in the lobby, ears ringing from the blast and concussion. "D-Damn it...I..." They turned around and looked up, peering from the entrance toward the sky. They could see Sir Pentious' airship in the air, but before they could discern what Pentious was doing, an exorcist walked inside the lobby, blocking their view with their blade ready.

"Sh-Shit..." (Y/N) readied their pistol, but the exorcist had already dashed towards them, flinging them against the wall and shattering one of (Y/N)'s ribs in the process. (Y/N) let out a gasp of pain as they made contact with the wall, sitting against it and holding their side. The exorcist made another dash with their spear. (Y/N) managed to dodge at the last second, causing the exorcist's blade to get stuck in the wall.

Still recovering from the pain, (Y/N) couldn't afford to waste a second. "You disgusting sinner," the exorcist yelled, charging at (Y/N) and pinning them to the ground, choking them.

(Y/N) attempted to break free but to no avail. Just when all hope seemed lost, the roof caved in, and a giant red dragon-like creature fell through the ceiling directly on top of the exorcist and (Y/N). The exorcist looked up, and (Y/N) seized the moment to break free, punching the exorcist in the neck and stunning them before jumping behind the bar stand for cover. The exorcist turned to look at (Y/N) and prepared to charge but was crushed by the falling debris and the dragon-like creature.

(Y/N) sat behind the bar counter, trying to catch their breath and recover from the pain. They spotted their pistol nearby and reached for it. As they paused to regain their composure, they heard a familiar voice. Peeking over the counter, they saw Vaggie and Lute facing off. (Y/N) tried to move but the pain in their chest was too much, forcing them to stay behind the counter, struggling to recover.

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