(Confrontation) Part - 5

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(Y/N) strode through the bright streets of Halo City, their footsteps echoing with a sense of simmering anger. The encounter with Lute lingered in their mind, casting a shadow over the otherwise pristine surroundings of heaven.

The clash with Lute had left (Y/N) feeling unsettled and frustrated, the tension of their confrontation still hanging heavy in the air. As they navigated the heavenly streets, the vibrant hues and serene atmosphere seemed to clash with the turmoil brewing within them.

They were feeling the weight of Lute's suspicious gaze still lingering, (Y/N) then made a decision. There was no longer any feasible way to continue trailing both Adam and Lute without risking further exposure. With a resigned sigh, (Y/N) shifted their focus solely to Adam, hoping to gather whatever intel they could from his movements alone.

Frustration gnawed at (Y/N) as they realized the inescapable truth: Lute's constant presence by Adam's side posed a significant obstacle to their surveillance efforts. No matter how they tried to maneuver or strategize, it seemed impossible to separate the two and trail Adam discreetly.

As (Y/N) reached for their notebook to jot down potential strategies for separating Adam and Lute, a sinking feeling settled in their stomach. Their fingers paused mid-motion as they realized a crucial page was missing from the notebook—the one detailing Lute's characteristics, habits and (Y/N)s personal notes.

Frustration and suspicion mingled within (Y/N) as they scanned their surroundings, searching for any sign of interference or tampering. Who could have taken the page, and for what purpose? 

Then (Y/N) recalled the recent altercation with Lute, a curse escaped their lips.

(Y/N): "Fuck..."

The realization struck them like a heavy blow. It was entirely possible that during the scuffle, the missing page had been dropped or lost amidst the chaos. The thought of such a crucial piece of information lying somewhere on the ground unsettled (Y/N), knowing that it could potentially fall into the Lutes hands.

(Y/N) cursed under their breath, a cold sweat breaking out on their brow at the mere thought of Lute discovering the missing page from their notebook.

(Y/N): "Sh-shit... if Lute found that note page..."

(Y/N) broke into a sprint, their feet pounding against the celestial pavement as they raced through Halo City, their mind solely focused on finding Sera and informing her of the perilous situation they found themselves in.

**Time skip to (Y/N) debriefing the situation to Sera in a office...**

Sera: "You did what!?"

Sera's voice rang out with a mix of shock and concern, her eyes narrowing as she processed the gravity of (Y/N)'s revelation. The tension in the room palpable, (Y/N) could sense Sera's unease as they recounted the events that had transpired, their own apprehension mirroring hers.

"I... I got into a confrontation with Lute," (Y/N) confessed, their voice tinged with a hint of regret. "And during the scuffle, I think I may have dropped a crucial page from my notebook... the one detailing Lute..."

Sera's expression darkened at the news, her features tightening with worry. "Do you realize what this means?" she demanded, her voice sharp with urgency.

Sera's tone turned stern. "If you are caught again... and she asks who you're working for, you are to remain silent," she instructed firmly.

 Sera: "If she presses the matter... play along with her and concoct some plausible story, but do not reveal your true allegiance," Sera advised, her tone unwavering.

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