(Goodbye Heaven) Part - 17

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As (Y/N) traversed the sidewalks, their footsteps echoed against the pristine walls of the alleyway. The contrast between the immaculate surroundings and the grimy alleys of Hell struck them deeply, serving as a poignant reminder of the worlds they inhabited and the choices they had made.

Gazing around at the pristine environment, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the chaotic yet vibrant streets of Hell. Despite its dangers and uncertainties, Hell had been their home for so long, but leaving heaven was no easy feat.

"Here I go again," they muttered to themselves, their voice tinged with resignation as they awaited the arrival of Lucifer or Sera to teleport them back to Heaven.

As they stood in the alleyway, the weight of their impending departure pressed down on (Y/N) like a heavy burden.

"I'm sure gonna miss this..." (Y/N) murmured, their voice trailing off into a wistful sigh. "But all well, back to my original position."

Yet, despite their attempt to maintain a façade of indifference, the pain of leaving behind their life in Hell gnawed at (Y/N)'s heart. They clenched their fists in frustration, the memory of their unspoken truths lingering like a shadow over their thoughts.

"Damn it..." they muttered under their breath, their frustration bubbling to the surface. The thought of facing Lute and confronting the truth of their feelings weighed heavily on their mind, casting a pall over their otherwise resolute demeanor.

(Y/N) knew that their return to Hell would bring with it a host of challenges and uncertainties. They pondered the possibility of continuing their duties in Hell, keeping a low profile to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

"I could just continue my job down in Hell and keep a low presence down there...but...." they trailed off, the words hanging in the air unspoken. The prospect of facing Lute and revealing the truth of their feelings loomed large in their mind, a daunting task that they were not yet ready to confront.

With a heavy heart, (Y/N) resigned themselves to keeping their inner turmoil hidden, burying their emotions beneath their façade of stoicism

(Y/N) waited in the alleyway, lost in their thoughts and grappling with the weight of their decision, a sense of uncertainty clouded their mind. The prospect of facing Lute and revealing their true nature and feelings filled them with trepidation.

They couldn't shake the feeling of regret that gnawed at their heart, the lingering sense of what could have been if only they had been brave enough to speak their truth. But as they stood there, the reality of their situation settled in, and (Y/N) knew that they had to come to terms with their choices.

"I can't keep running from this forever," they thought to themselves, their voice tinged with determination. "Sooner or later, I'll have to face Lute and confront the truth."

(Y/N) sighed and left the alleyway, opting to wait outside for Sera or a sign from Lucifer indicating that the portal would be opening soon. Leaning against the wall, they took out their notebook and began flipping through the pages, trying to occupy their mind amidst the turmoil of their emotions.

Before they could delve into their notes, they heard someone else lean against the wall next to them. As (Y/N) turned to look, they saw Lute, her angelic blade visible on her as she prepared for the extermination in a day.

Lute: "Sera mentioned I would find you here. I thought you were changing posts today," she said with her usual stoicism, though there was a hint of sincerity in her tone.

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