(Parting) Part - 14

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As (Y/N) sat in the office, the weight of impending departure bearing down on them, they steeled themselves for what lay ahead. With a heavy sigh, they rose from their seat, the familiar weight of their notebook offering a small semblance of comfort.

With each step, the reality of their situation became increasingly difficult to ignore. The hallways of the angelic office stretched out before them, a silent reminder of the world they were soon to leave behind. But it wasn't the prospect of returning to Hell that weighed most heavily on (Y/N)'s mind.

No, it was the thought of leaving Lute behind that gnawed at them, filling them with a sense of regret and longing. The Exorcist had brought something out of the cold sinner, a warmth and understanding that (Y/N) had never experienced before.

"D-damn it..." they muttered under their breath, the words a whispered lament for what could have been.

As (Y/N) stepped outside, they couldn't help but notice the increased activity in the sky above. Exorcists darted back and forth, their movements purposeful and determined. The air crackled with anticipation, a palpable tension that seemed to hang over the angelic city like a storm cloud.

(Y/N) paused, their gaze tracing the path of the exorcists as they soared through the sky with an air of solemnity. The sight served as a stark reminder of the impending extermination, a grim reality that loomed ever closer with each passing moment.

With a heavy heart, (Y/N) tore their gaze away from the sky and turned their attention to the task at hand. They knew that their time in Heaven was running out, and that they needed to make the most of the precious moments they had left.

As (Y/N) arrived at the familiar spot where Adam and Lute often walked the streets of Halo City, they couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. Despite the looming threat of the extermination just two days away, there was a sense of comfort in the routine of their daily walks.

Leaning against one of the nearby buildings, (Y/N) watched the bustling activity of the city with a distant gaze. Memories of their time in Hell flooded their mind, a stark contrast to the serene beauty of Heaven's streets. They couldn't shake the nagging thought of what awaited them upon their return, the familiar sights and sounds of chaos serving as a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within.

But amidst the chaos of their thoughts, one question lingered in (Y/N)'s mind: would the impending extermination change anything for the sinners of Hell? Would the threat of annihilation be enough to spur them towards redemption, or would they continue to embrace their sinful ways regardless?

Lost in their contemplation, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder about the fate of the Hazbin Hotel. If Adam were to target it, but would it truly make a difference to the sinners within? After all, redemption was a concept that held little sway over the denizens of Hell, their souls already tainted beyond repair.

"Some folks are just... beyond redemption," they mused silently, the words echoing in their mind like a haunting refrain. Despite their efforts to believe in the possibility of salvation for all, (Y/N) couldn't shake the nagging feeling that some souls were simply beyond saving.

(Y/N) shook their head, banishing the thoughts from their mind as they focused on the present moment. But even as they tried to push aside their worries, the image of Lute lingered in their thoughts like a specter, a reminder of the bond they shared and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

"Regardless of what happens, I have to be prepared," (Y/N) muttered to themselves, their voice tinged with determination. "I can't let my feelings cloud my judgment, especially with so much at stake."

With a heavy sigh, (Y/N) pushed themselves away from the building and resumed their vigil, their mind consumed by thoughts of the impending extermination and the role they would play in the events to come.

"But when Lute finally finds out that... I'm... actually a sinner..." (Y/N) muttered, their voice laced with uncertainty as they grappled with the weight of their secret. The thought of revealing their true nature to Lute filled them with a sense of dread, the fear of rejection and betrayal looming large in their mind.

As they clenched their hands in frustration, another troubling thought surfaced. "And what happens if Adam finds out that I'm also a sinner, he'll think that Lute is a danger to Heaven..." The implications of their secret weighed heavily on (Y/N)'s mind as they considered the potential consequences. The last thing they wanted was to jeopardize Lute's standing in Heaven, especially after everything she had done to earn the trust and respect of her fellow angels.

But even as they grappled with these troubling thoughts, (Y/N) couldn't shake the nagging feeling of guilt that gnawed at their conscience. The memory of Vaggie's hesitation and what ultimately happened to her only intensified (Y/N)'s own hesitation.

"Ugh... damn it... why the hell do I care so much anyways..." (Y/N) muttered bitterly, their frustration evident in their voice as they struggled to make sense of their tangled emotions. Despite their best efforts to maintain a façade of indifference, the truth was that they cared deeply for Lute, perhaps more than they were willing to admit. And the thought of losing her, of betraying her trust, filled them with a profound sense of regret.

With a heavy sigh, (Y/N) shook their head, trying to push aside the tumult of thoughts that threatened to consume them. For now, they would focus on the task at hand and prepare for the inevitable confrontation that awaited them. But deep down, they knew that the truth would eventually come to light, and they could only hope that Lute would find it in her heart to forgive them when that day came.

(Y/N) turned towards the road and spotted Adam and Lute walking along the familiar busy street, following their usual routine. With a smile and a wave, (Y/N) greeted them, noticing Lute's faint grin in response.

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