(Uncertainty) Part - 12

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Returning to the familiar sanctuary of their office, (Y/N) closed the door behind them with a heavy sigh. The soft glow of the lamp bathed the room in a tranquil ambiance, casting gentle shadows that danced across the walls.

Seating themselves behind the desk, (Y/N) turned their attention to the blank pages of their notebook, the events of the evening weighing heavily on their mind. Each memory, each encounter, seemed to swirl within them like a tempestuous storm, leaving them feeling unsettled and adrift.

With a sense of resignation, (Y/N) reached out for the pen resting beside the notebook, their hand hesitating for a moment before they began to write. The scratching of the pen against the paper provided a comforting rhythm, a steady cadence amidst the chaos of their thoughts.

As the words flowed from their mind onto the page, (Y/N) found solace in the act of writing. Each stroke of the pen was a cathartic release, a way to make sense of the jumbled mess of emotions that threatened to overwhelm them.

(Y/N) sighed and stopped writing, the pen hanging limply in their hand as they leaned back in their chair. The weight of their emotions pressed down on them like a heavy blanket, suffocating and relentless.

"Why am I... feeling like this?" they murmured to themselves, their voice barely above a whisper. The events of the evening replayed in their mind like a broken record, each moment etched into their memory with painful clarity.

They couldn't shake the feeling of confusion that gnawed at them from within, like a ravenous beast tearing at their insides. It was as if they were standing at the edge of a precipice, teetering on the brink of something unknown and terrifying.

With a frustrated sigh, (Y/N) set the pen down on the desk, the sound echoing in the stillness of the room. They ran a hand through their hair, the gesture one of frustration and exhaustion.

"I need to make sense of all this," they muttered, the words a quiet mantra against the turmoil swirling within them. With a deep breath, they resolved to confront their feelings head-on, to unravel the tangled web of emotions that threatened to engulf them.

As they leaned back in their chair, lost in thought, a sudden knock on the door jolted them from their reverie. (Y/N) blinked in surprise, their heart skipping a beat at the unexpected interruption.

"W-who could be here..." they mumbled to themselves, their brow furrowing in confusion. "I thought everyone was at the ball..."

Setting aside their notebook, (Y/N) rose from their seat and made their way to the door, their steps hesitant and cautious. With a sense of trepidation, they reached out and turned the handle, pulling the door to only reveal Lute in the other side.

"L-Lute... What are you doing here?" (Y/N) stammered, taken aback by her unexpected visit.

Lute's expression remained stoic as ever, her arms crossed as she took a step into the room, gently pushing (Y/N) aside.

"Well, Emily told me that you said you had to go..." she began, her tone even and controlled. "I wasn't doing much standing next to Adam, and he was more than happy when I told him I'd be leaving the ball."

There was a hint of suspicion in her gaze as she studied (Y/N), the silence stretched on, the tension in the air palpable as they both waited, each moment feeling like an eternity as the weight of uncertainty hung heavily between them.

(Y/N) broke the silence, their voice hesitant as they spoke. "Y-Yeah, I did ask Emily to tell you, but I just didn't expect you to come here..."

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