(Angelic Confrontation) Part - 23

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Lute's hand instinctively reached for her sword, gripping the hilt tightly as her eyes darted between (Y/N) and the approaching exorcists. The room seemed to grow colder, the tension palpable.

Exorcist 2: "We've been sent to deal with these sinners. Why is this one still alive?"

The exorcists' LED masks flickered with sinister grins

Lute's voice was shaky, yet she tried to sound resolute. "I... I was just... gathering information," she stammered, struggling to maintain her composure.

Exorcist 3: "Information?" they scoffed. "It looks more like hesitation to us..."

(Y/N) could feel their heart pounding, knowing the precariousness of the situation. "Lute..." they whispered, barely audible. 

The exorcists took a step forward, their blades gleaming ominously. Without warning, two of the exorcists dashed towards Lute, their movements swift and deadly. The third exorcist, eyes locked on (Y/N), lunged forward with a chilling determination.

"Lute!" (Y/N) shouted, their voice filled with panic as they watched the two exorcists close in on her.

Lute barely had time to react, raising her sword to block the first strike. The force of the blow sent her staggering back, but she quickly regained her footing, parrying the second exorcist's attack with a skillful twist of her blade. 

The clash of metal echoed through the room as sparks flew from the impact.

Meanwhile, the third exorcist was upon (Y/N), their blade slicing through the air with lethal intent. (Y/N) quickly moved off the ground and dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike, but the exorcist was relentless. 

They swung again, the blade whistling past (Y/N)'s ear as they barely managed to evade the deadly arc. 

"Stay down, sinner!" the exorcist growled, their mask's LED grin growing wider.

Desperation surged through (Y/N) as they scrambled to find a way to defend themselves. They grabbed a broken piece of furniture from the floor and used it to block the exorcist's next attack. The makeshift shield splintered under the force, but it bought (Y/N) a precious moment to back away.

Lute, now fully engaged in battle with the two exorcists, was fighting fiercely, her movements a blur of precision and strength. She deflected one strike after another, her blade dancing through the air as she defended herself with all her might. Despite her initial hesitation, a fierce determination had ignited within her, fueled by a mix of anger and desperation.

"YOU'RE NOT KILLING HIM!" Lute shouted, her voice a mix of defiance and fury as she blocked another attack.

The exorcists, undeterred by her resolve, pressed their assault. One of them feinted a strike, then swung low, catching Lute off guard. The blade sliced through her side, drawing a gasp of pain from her lips. She stumbled, yellow blood seeping through her uniform, but she did not fall.

"LUTE!" (Y/N) cried out, their voice filled with anguish. 

The third exorcist took advantage of (Y/N)'s distraction, lunging forward with a powerful thrust. (Y/N) barely managed to twist away, the blade grazing their shoulder. Pain flared through their body, but they pushed it aside, focusing on the need to survive.

Lute, now bleeding and visibly weakened, refused to give in. With a burst of strength, she countered one of the exorcists, her blade striking true and sending her attacker reeling back. 

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