(The stroll) Part - 7

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The tension between (Y/N) and Lute hung thick in the air as they walked side by side, their footsteps echoing in the empty streets. (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at them, their mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears. Lute's presence loomed large beside them, her silence speaking volumes as they navigated the crystal like corridors of Heaven.

 (Y/N) couldn't help but steal glances at Lute, searching for any sign of her true intentions beneath her stoic façade. But Lute remained impassive, her features betraying nothing as they made their way to their destination.

As they walked in silence, (Y/N) couldn't shake the weight of what Lute had revealed earlier. The notion that she intended to kill Vaggie, Charlie's partner, gnawed at them. Questions raced through their mind like a turbulent storm. Why did Lute harbor such animosity towards Vaggie? 

Despite the gravity of the situation, (Y/N) couldn't suppress their curiosity any longer. They cast a sidelong glance at Lute, their voice hesitant as they broached the subject. "Lute," they began, the name feeling heavy on their tongue. "Earlier, you mentioned... Vaggie. Why... why do you want to kill her?" The question hung in the air, laden with an urgency born from a desire to understand the depths of Lute's motivations.

Lute's scoff cut through the silence, punctuating her disdain for Vaggie. Her words dripped with contempt as she spoke of the one she deemed unworthy.

"Vaggie was nothing more than a weak and pathetic excuse for an exorcist," Lute spat, her tone laced with venom. "That's why I had to intervene, to remind the others of the consequences of their weakness. She dared to spare a sinner, a grievous error that demanded retribution, so I took her eye and wings..."

The chill in Lute's voice sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spine, the callousness of her actions casting a shadow over their conversation. The image of Vaggie, maimed and left for dead, lingered in (Y/N)'s mind, a stark reminder of the brutality that lurked beneath Lute's stoic exterior.

"But by some stroke of luck," Lute continued, her voice tinged with bitterness, "she managed to survive and align herself with Lucifer's daughter." The mention of Lucifer's offspring added another layer of complexity to the situation, leaving (Y/N) grappling with the implications of Lute's vendetta against Vaggie.

The injustice of it all weighed heavily on (Y/N)'s heart, prompting a surge of empathy for Vaggie and anyone else who had fallen victim to Lute's merciless judgment.

"Lute... I..."

(Y/N) faltered, their thoughts tumbling over one another as they struggled to find the right words to convey their emotions.

Lute's searching gaze halted (Y/N) in their tracks, her words carrying a weighty conviction. "Exposing weakness to the enemy is akin to exposing Heaven to danger," she declared, her tone sharp and resolute. "Surely you wouldn't entertain the notion of sparing a sinner as well..."

(Y/N) felt a knot of uncertainty tighten in their chest, rendered speechless by Lute's unwavering scrutiny. "Well?" she prompted, her gaze piercing as she awaited their response, leaving (Y/N) feeling increasingly uneasy under her scrutiny.

(Y/N) spoke tentatively, "Don't you think... not all of them are inherently bad? Perhaps most of them were simply dealt the wrong cards since they were-" Lute cut in sharply, her interruption abrupt and decisive. "They had their chance," she asserted firmly. "They could've chosen to abide by the rules and lead righteous lives, but they squandered their opportunity..."

(Y/N) hesitated, feeling the urge to argue against Lute's rigid viewpoint. However, they held back, recognizing the futility of challenging her deeply ingrained beliefs. Pressing the matter further would only escalate the tension between them.

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