(The Hazbin Hotel) Part - 19

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As (Y/N) stepped into the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel, they were greeted by a scene of controlled chaos. The air buzzed with activity as demons and sinners alike hurried, preparing for the impending extermination.

(Y/N)'s eyes swept across the room, taking in the sight of familiar faces. Among them stood Angel Dust, lounging lazily on a nearby couch with a cigarette dangling from his lips. His eyes lit up with recognition as he spotted (Y/N) entering the room.

Angel Dust: "Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence!" Angel Dust's voice was laced with playful sarcasm as he waved (Y/N) over. "I always wanted to see the great (Y/N) up close and personal."

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at Angel Dust's greeting, the tension of the moment momentarily easing. "Nice to see that the star is staying for the finale, Angel," they replied, their tone light yet tinged with underlying determination.

Angel smirked and eyed (Y/N) up and down, "Ya know, there's still a few more hours until the extermination is here. If you're down, we could have a little bit of fun in my room~"

(Y/N): "Not a chance, Angel," (Y/N) replied, chuckling lightly.

Angel: "Your loss," Angel chuckled slightly as well.

As they made their way further into the lobby, their gaze fell upon another figure standing nearby. It was Sir Pentious, the eccentric sinner, engaged in a lively conversation with a group of his egg minions.

Sir Pentious: "Ah, if it isn't our es-sss-teemed eavesdropper to the fray!" Sir Pentious's booming voice echoed through the room as he caught sight of (Y/N). "What brings you to our humble abode, hmm?"

(Y/N) approached Sir Pentious with a nod of acknowledgment, their expression thoughtful. "Just tying up loose ends, Sir Pentious," they replied cryptically, their mind preoccupied with the task at hand.

Sir Pentious nervously looked at (Y/N).

Sir Pentious: "W-Well, I do hope you aren't here to...inform everyone about my, err, love for Misss Cherri Bomb."

(Y/N): "No, Sir Pentious, I'm not here for that either. I have an obligation to stay here for the fight when the Exorcists arrive."

Sir Pentious lightened up and smiled at (Y/N), "We are glad to have you on board in our great defense!"

As they exchanged pleasantries with Angel Dust and Sir Pentious, (Y/N) couldn't shake the sense of urgency that gripped them. The looming threat of the extermination weighed heavily on their mind, driving them to seek out Charlie and Vaggie for guidance.

But as (Y/N) looked around and could not find Charlie and Vaggie, perhaps they were too busy handling the situation in preparation.

With a final glance around the bustling lobby, (Y/N) readied themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. The Hazbin Hotel may have been an unlikely sanctuary in the heart of Hell, but it was also a beacon of hope in the face of overwhelming darkness.

Feeling a sense of determination coursing through them, (Y/N) made their way through the lobby, weaving through the crowds of bustling sinners. Each step brought them closer to their objective, their heart pounding with anticipation.

As they searched for Charlie and Vaggie, (Y/N) couldn't shake the nagging feeling of apprehension that gnawed at their insides. The weight of their impending confrontation with Lute hung heavy on their mind, casting a shadow over their every thought.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, (Y/N) spotted Charlie across the room. She was engaged in an intense discussion, clearly talking about the plan on a nearby table.

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