(Extermination hour) Part - 20

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As (Y/N) and Vaggie found a quiet corner away from the hustle and bustle of the lobby, the tension between them seemed to linger in the air. Vaggie's expression was thoughtful, her eyes searching (Y/N)'s face for any sign of deception or ulterior motives.

(Y/N) could sense Vaggie's scrutiny, and a pang of unease settled in the pit of their stomach. Despite Vaggie's willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt, the lingering suspicion was palpable.

(Y/N) sighed, breaking the silence. "I was in Heaven for a few months, keeping tabs on Adam and Lute, making sure they wouldn't launch a surprise raid to destroy the hotel and ruin the delicate balance between the realms."

Vaggie's eyes widened slightly, surprise evident in her expression. Before she could speak, (Y/N) continued, their tone earnest.

"It was Lucifer who sent me in. I was also keeping tabs on you and Charlie when you guys were in Heaven for a bit."

The revelation seemed to catch Vaggie off guard, her expression shifting from suspicion to a mixture of surprise and understanding. She nodded slowly, processing the information.

(Y/N) continued hesitantly, their voice laced with vulnerability as they opened up to Vaggie. "While I was up there, I... I worked closely with Lute, and we got close. We... shared a lot of aspects."

The admission hung in the air between them, (Y/N) grappling with the weight of their confession.

Vaggie remained silent for a moment, her gaze softening as she studied (Y/N) intently. There was a flicker of empathy in her eyes, a recognition of the inner turmoil (Y/N) was grappling with.

"I...I believe you, (Y/N)," Vaggie finally spoke, her voice softening with understanding. "But you have to understand why I'm cautious. Lute... she's caused so much pain, so much death... I can't bear to see anyone else get hurt because of her."

Vaggie continued, her voice tinged with a mixture of concern and frustration. "(Y/N), you haven't... you haven't seen what Lute truly is... what she's capable of..."

(Y/N) met Vaggie's gaze, their expression filled with empathy. "I know... but you were once an exorcist... you just needed some specific event to change your point of view... maybe I can try the same thing with... Lute..."

Vaggie's concern was evident in her tone as she spoke, her words laced with worry. "I don't like the idea of... you confronting her alone. I have to face the exorcists down next to Charlie, but it's a bad idea to confront Lute alone, even if you think you know her so well..."

Vaggie paused for a moment and began to speak again

Vaggie: "It's just...when I was alone and I spared that sinner, Lute was there. She attacked me and left me for dead... and Adam was right behind her too..." She paused for a moment. "I'll be there to face her with you. I have my reasons. I'll be there to knock sense into her if she attacks Charlie or you..."

(Y/N) nodded in understanding, acknowledging Vaggie's concern. "Thanks Lute...I know it's risky, but I have to do this. There's something I need to say to her, something that can't wait any longer. And just maybe I can...show her that some folks can change..."

Vaggie sighed, her expression softening with empathy. "I get it, (Y/N)..."

(Y/N) offered a reassuring smile. "Thank you Vaggie..."

With a nod of mutual understanding, the two shared a brief moment of solidarity before Vaggie straightened up, determination flashing in her eyes.

Vaggie: "Alright, then. Let's focus on the task at hand. We've got a fight ahead of us, and we're going to need everyone at their best."

(Y/N) nodded in agreement, steeling themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. "Right."

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