(Months) Part - 8

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(Y/N) sat at a table in a dimly lit room, the soft glow of a lone lamp casting shadows across the worn surface. It had been a week since their last encounter with Lute, and two days since they had seen Adam. The air was heavy with anticipation, a silent countdown ticking away the days until the inevitable clash. With a heavy sigh, (Y/N) absently fiddled with their pencil and notebook, the blank pages staring back at them. The weight of their responsibilities hung heavily upon their shoulders, a constant reminder of the precarious balance they treaded between duty and morality. They had been given a basic backroom to work and rest in, a stark and empty space tucked away in the same building that housed Sera's offices. It was a small refuge amidst the chaos of Halo City, a place where they could gather their thoughts and steel themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

(Y/N) muttered to themselves, frustration evident in their voice as they traced idle patterns on the empty page before them.

"Six to five months... and all I can do is sit here, waiting," they mused, their tone tinged with resignation.

(Y/N) leaned back in their chair, a sense of helplessness washing over them.

"It's clear Adam's just biding his time until extermination day..." they mused

(Y/N) let out a heavy sigh, frustration coloring their tone. "He's not gonna pull any surprises before that 6-month mark... Ugh... Why am I even here?" they grumbled, running a hand through their hair in frustration. "Can't even reach Lucifer or Sera... They're both busy as hell with shit..."(Y/N) paused, leaning back in their chair and staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. "Why am I even thinking about Lute?" they muttered to themselves, frustration evident in their voice. "Why does that sadistic exorcist keep popping into my head? "The image of Lute's stern expression and sharp gaze lingered in (Y/N)'s mind, refusing to fade away despite their efforts to push it aside. It was as if her presence had seeped into their thoughts, embedding itself like a stubborn thorn in their consciousness.(Y/N) shook their head, attempting to dispel the intrusive thoughts. "Focus," they chided themselves silently, their brows furrowing in determination. "I have more important things to worry about than Lute and her twisted ideals."

(Y/N) then rose from their seat, feeling restless and eager to take action." I should actually do something instead of just sitting here, writing nothing in my notebook and dwelling on things," they muttered to themselves, a sense of urgency creeping into their voice. "I've got about 5-6 months left before extermination day... but what can I really do?" As they pondered their next move, doubt began to gnaw at the edges of their resolve." Is it even worth it?" (Y/N) wondered aloud, their voice tinged with uncertainty. "From what I know, this time the sinners down there will fight back against the targeted attack... unlike the others... this one's personal for Adam."

(Y/N) pondered aloud, their voice filled with uncertainty as they contemplated the potential ramifications of Adam's plans.

"Could this escalate into a full-scale war?" they wondered, their thoughts drifting to the possibility of conflict erupting between the forces of Heaven and the rebellious Sinners. "Imagine the news reports... Dead exorcists, Sinners fighting back... But even then, how could they stand a chance against the exorcists?"

(Y/N) then proceeded to make his way out, each step weighed down by the burden of uncertainty. As he ventured into the bustling streets of Halo City, a nagging question echoed in his mind, one that he couldn't shake no matter how hard he tried: did his efforts truly hold any significance in the grand scheme of things? As (Y/N) stepped outside, he glanced upwards and caught sight of a formation of Exorcists flying through the skies of Halo City, serving as a stark reminder of the imminent threat.(Y/N) muttered to himself as he watched them pass overhead, his gaze tracing their path through the azure sky. "I'm starting to see them on a daily basis now... There are more of them with each passing day..."

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