(Day two of the job) Part - 2

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(Y/N)'s perspective 

The bright colors, the cleanliness, the friendly faces—it all feels foreign to me. I don't belong here. Even the parties everyone throws... I often find myself lost in observation, admiring the floor. Sure, everyone stares at me like I'm different, but that's okay. What's weird is the moment I stepped in here, my whole appearance changed. Everything's mostly white now, except for my dark blue scarf, and my face is still mostly covered and shadowed up. This is only my second day on the job, and I've got two missions—one from Lucifer and one from Sera. However, one of them takes priority. Charlie's coming today to discuss with Sera about the idea of rehabilitating sinners.

I've also given my job some more thought, and strategically speaking, I'd be the catalyst behind the deadlier extermination attacks. While the exterminators conduct their large offensive on a yearly basis, I would technically be the reason if an overlord was purposely targeted because of my intel. While it's my duty to essentially do the same thing towards heaven, I can't help but feel a tad horrible. I'd be betraying my own kind too. I should've thought about this before saying yes.

I'd be strolling around the yellow gate that leads to Halo City, awaiting their arrival, blending in with the other folks. When she does arrive, I don't expect the other person... Vaggie... Great, the one who's always on guard and suspicious. I ought to keep my distance. Before I can even trail them, I'd notice Sera and another angel whom I've yet to see. Before I can even use my powers to listen in, they start... singing about how great heaven is? Oh, the audacity of these angels...

When they finally finish singing, the other angel quickly leads Charlie and Vaggie down the street. As I rush to trail them, Sera stops me in my tracks.                                                                                  

Sera's voice sliced through the air, sharp and accusatory. "And what do you think you're doing?"

(Y/N) swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Sera's suspicion bearing down on them. "Y-your Highness, I'm... following my current week's objective given by Lucifer."

Sera's gaze bore into (Y/N), her eyes narrowing with skepticism. "Don't forget... I'm watching you. If I see you interacting or going anywhere near Emily, the other angel with Charlie, I won't hesitate to end our arrangement."

The mention of Emily's name sparked a flicker of recognition in (Y/N)'s mind. "So Emily... that's her name..."

(Y/N) attempted to explain their mission, a sense of urgency in their voice. "I've been tasked to watch over Lucifer's daughter... I really must-"

But Sera interrupted, her tone firm and unwavering. "Charlie will be fine, you have my word. Emily will be with her. I'll also be with her in the courthouse to discuss matters."

With Sera's assurance ringing in their ears, (Y/N) reluctantly acquiesced, knowing that their duty to watch over Charlie took precedence above all else.

Sera suddenly looks the other way and flies over to these two figures on the side of the road where Charlie was just running down... I catch a glimpse of two angels...

Ugh... is that... Adam... damn it... he seems to be talking about something... probably Charlie... I then look at the other one... I don't... recognize who that is... Before I could get a good look at them and even hear what they're talking about, they get teleported by Sera...

(Y/N): "God damn it!" 

The air around me seems to still as the words escape my lips, and I'm met with a chorus of gasps from the onlookers nearby. Their eyes widen, some even taking a step back as if my outburst might somehow taint them.

"U-uh, I meant... darn it?" (Y/N) stumble over his words, attempting to smooth over the situation, but the damage is already done. He can feel the weight of their judgmental stares, and he quickly avert his gaze, cursing himself for the slip-up.

Taking a deep breath, I remind myself of the task at hand. Despite the setback, I need to stay focused on my mission. With a determined nod to myself, I adjust my coat and continue on, weaving through the crowd with renewed resolve.

(Y/N): "Nevermind those damn angels... What do I do now? I lost track of where Charlie was, and I can't even get close enough before Sera gets pissed..."

Frustration gnaws at (Y/N) as he contemplate his next move. Sera's watchful gaze leaves (Y/N) with little room to maneuver, and the last thing he wants is to jeopardize the already delicate arrangement with her.

(Y/N) then curses under his breath, cursing his luck and the infernal bureaucracy that binds him to this precarious position. But self-pity won't get (Y/N) any closer to completing their mission.

(Y/N) scans the bustling streets of Halo City, searching for any sign of Charlie or the other angels. But amidst the throngs of celestial beings, they seem to have vanished without a trace.

(Y/N): "They'll most likely be in the courthouse then... I won't be able to go inside... damn it... I'll just have to stay here, gathering whatever little intel I can about this place while I wait..."

A few hours later...

As I wait near the courthouse, I listen in to the conversations of those who were in the courtroom. Charlie and Vaggie were both sent back to Hell, so that's a relief... at least I know she's safe. As for the situation, nobody here knew about the exterminations? How can that be...it must've came to a shock to all of them...

Before I even get the chance to ask someone who was just in the courtroom, I see a flashing light, and then I get teleported. Sera... What does this angel want with me now...

(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before addressing Sera

"Your Highness..." (Y/N) began cautiously, unsure of what was to come next.

Sera's expression was serious as she spoke, her voice carrying a sense of  stern urgency. 

Sera: "I'm afraid I have to ask you to do something for me."

Feeling a sense of duty, (Y/N) nodded in acknowledgment, ready to fulfill whatever task Sera had in mind.

Sera's next words were measured, each one laden with significance.

Sera: "I need you to watch over... two angels..."

(Y/N)'s curiosity was piqued, his mind racing with questions. "I can do that... who?" 

Sera paused for a moment, her expression grave, conveying the seriousness of her request.

"Adam and Lute..." Sera's voice was solemn as she mentioned the names, her tone laced with concern. "I'm afraid they'll try something rash that could stir things down in Hell... and bring the balance of Heaven and Hell into dangerous territory..."

Her words hung heavy in the air, the weight of the potential consequences palpable."I need you to trail them..." Sera's voice was firm, leaving no room for hesitation.

Nodding in understanding, (Y/N) braced themselves for their next mission, determined to carry out Sera's orders with precision and diligence.

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