(Notice) Part - 13

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As the days melted into weeks and the weeks into months, the bond between (Y/N) and Lute only grew stronger. What began as an unexpected encounter in the quiet confines of (Y/N)'s office had blossomed into a deep and meaningful connection.

Despite the initial hesitations and uncertainties that had plagued them both, they had found solace in each other's company. Whether it was patrolling the corridors of the angelic stronghold or engaging in quiet conversations in the dimly lit corners of the office, (Y/N) and Lute had become inseparable.

Yet, amidst the camaraderie and shared moments of laughter, (Y/N) couldn't shake the lingering doubt that gnawed at the edges of their consciousness. They had grown undeniably fond of Lute, admiring her strength, intelligence, and unwavering dedication to their cause.

But as the days passed and their bond deepened, (Y/N) found themselves grappling with feelings that went beyond mere friendship. They couldn't deny the warmth that spread through their chest whenever Lute smiled at them, or the way their heart fluttered at the sound of her voice.

Was it possible that their feelings for Lute ran deeper than they dared to admit? And if so, what did that mean for their friendship and the delicate balance they had managed to maintain thus far?

"I've never felt this way before... not even when I was alive..." (Y/N) confessed softly to themselves, their voice barely above a whisper.

Lost in their thoughts, (Y/N) found themselves standing in the quiet solitude of their office once more. The familiar surroundings offered little comfort as they wrestled with the turmoil of their emotions, uncertainty weighing heavily on their mind.

"Ugh... It bothers me.... It really bothers me...." they muttered to themselves, frustration lacing their words...

With a heavy sigh, (Y/N) sank into the chair behind their desk, the events of the past few months replaying in their mind like a bittersweet melody. They had grown closer to Lute than they ever thought possible, yet the fear of ruining their friendship loomed like a dark cloud on the horizon.

Unable to find solace in their thoughts, (Y/N) reached for their notebook, the pages filled with scribbles and sketches that served as a testament to the whirlwind of emotions they had experienced. 

As they flipped through the pages, their gaze lingered on a drawing of Lute, her expression captured in intricate detail.

A pang of longing tugged at (Y/N)'s heart and their mind filled with memories of their time together. It was in moments like these that they couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them, something that transcended the bounds of friendship.

But as the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway outside, (Y/N) pushed aside their thoughts and sat up straight. 

The tranquility of their office was shattered by the sudden arrival of Sera. Their presence seemed to fill the room with an aura of solemnity, her expression grave as she approached (Y/N).

"(Y/N), I need to speak with you," Sera's voice was low, her tone carrying a weight that sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spine.

(Y/N) nodded, a sense of foreboding settling over them like a heavy cloak. There was something in her eyes that hinted at news of grave importance.

"What is it, Sera?" (Y/N) asked, their voice barely above a whisper.

Sera's gaze fixed on (Y/N) and she gave a small sigh "The time has come for you to return to Hell."

The words hit (Y/N) like a punch to the gut, the air suddenly feeling thick and suffocating. They had known that this moment would come eventually, but the reality of it still struck them with a sense of profound loss.

"I... I see..." (Y/N) couldn't help but feel the weight of those words. They knew their time in heaven was temporary, subject to rotation like all missions, but the prospect of leaving weighed heavily on them. The thought of... losing Lute, it hit (Y/N) harder than they anticipated.

"The extermination is imminent, and it's imperative that you return to Hell in time," Sera stated solemnly, her voice tinged with urgency.

(Y/N) felt a chill run down their spine at the mention of the extermination, a reminder of the brutal reality of their existence as a demon.

"I... I understand," (Y/N) murmured, their voice barely a whisper as they struggled to come to terms with the news. The weight of Sera's words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their thoughts. They had known that their time in Heaven was finite, but the reality of having to leave felt like a sudden blow to the chest as the implications sank in, (Y/N) couldn't shake the sense of loss that washed over them. The thought of leaving behind everything they had come to know and cherish in Heaven, especially the bond they had formed with Lute, filled them with a profound sadness. 

The knowledge that they would be forced to part ways with the one person who had come to mean so much to them was a bitter pill to swallow. Yet, they understood that duty often demanded sacrifices, and this was one they knew they had no choice but to accept.

As the weight of Sera's words settled over them, (Y/N) felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over them. On one hand, they knew they had a duty to fulfill, a responsibility to their fellow demons that could not be ignored. But on the other hand, the thought of leaving Lute behind filled them with a sense of profound sadness.

With a heavy heart, (Y/N) rose from their seat, their mind already racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. They knew that their time in Heaven was running out, and that they would soon be forced to confront the horrors of their past once more.

(Y/N) sighed, "Thank you for having me up here, Sera. I'll prepare to leave and compile my findings for you."

Sera nodded solemnly. "You have 2 days to prepare, and I'll take you along your way..."

With a heavy heart, (Y/N) nodded in acknowledgment. "Understood," they replied, their voice tinged with resignation.

Sera then turned to leave, and (Y/N) watched her depart with a heavy heart.

As the sound of Sera's footsteps faded away, (Y/N) turned their gaze to the desk, a wave of melancholy washing over them.

"I should go tell Lute... about my change in assignment..." (Y/N) murmured to themselves, the weight of the words hanging heavily in the air. With a sigh, they rose from their seat, the sense of impending departure casting a shadow over their thoughts.

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